If your boyfriend comes real spur-of-the-moment during sex does that mean he have had sex right formerly having sex beside you?

My boyfriend says that when he comes spur-of-the-moment it is because he had jacked stale earlier, but I don't buy that. Or when he last long does that mean he have had sex right up to that time we are having sex? Which one determines if he have had sex or cheated on me?

I begin taking prenatal pills a month and a half ago because of poor nutrition and i haven't have a period?

When a guy comes too hurriedly, that doesn't mean that he have had sex previously. It only means that he is too excited. It happen to alot of guys, you guys just hold to find ways to slow it down. I would check around the internet for some ideas or step to a local sex store. Good luck!

"menopause symptons"?

No. It could just be that he is confident. I doubt it is because he had sex beside someone else before he have sex with you.

Morning Sickness..not pregnant.?

From what I've notice guys usually take longer if it is the second time they are getting stale in a light of day...

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I know that for me, if i blow quickly its b/c it feels really suitable. when i have sex a second time durning i tend to later a long time, i dont know why, but i just do. jacking bad has nought to do with it, al lowest for me. i dont think that he is cheating on you, resembling i said b4 diffetent thing get the impression different. and the different feelings bring a guy off faster or slower.

Period question?

The ability to say an erection without an ejaculation is a skill that is to say learned beside time and experience.

A man will TYPICALLY be able to second longer after having ejaculate once (so the second time would be a longer intercourse act). But this is NO guarantee that he's done so. Sometimes a guy is just not as aroused as he might otherwise be.

And if ejaculation comes against the clock, it USUALLY means that he be more aroused, AND he probably did NOT already ejaculate once.

His ejaculations are NOT an indicator of infidelity. However, if you feel contained by your gut that he is cheating, you should listen to your instincts. Get checked for STDs just to be on the not detrimental side.

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Maybe he a moment ago has awfully little stamina or self-control.

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lol he say that because hes imberase for coming quick he merely comes quick because hes to exited if he would of have sex right before it would filch him more time to finish.

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I have the opinion you are both very babyish nd not knowing what you are doing. It is what ytou call premature ejaculation. He is not competent to control what he is doing and just desires his orgasm. Not you .. It has nought to do with have sex before , after it would take much longer.
And i dont devise it is a good opinion to have sex near someone you dont seem to trust. I hope you hold save sex

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wow, I think your over react. all guys finish hurried.

Help! I have be sick since Feb.?

Before he penetrates you, go down and pretend you are going to tender him oral. Then give it the sniff examination. If his genitals smell like a vagina after he had sex beside someone else on his way to your house.

Diflucan and antibiotics?

damn you must own that bomb!!!!... sh---, Wow! or you need a man and not a boy.

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