Pap smear test grill?

I am 18 and have to walk to the doctor next week for my first smear trial.

I am embarassed about have to spread my legs in front of the doctor cos he will be capable of see everything.

I have reasonably a bit of hair down within, will this get contained by the way and should I shave it?

I know they stick something up inside you to interested you up, how big is this and how does it work (how far are you opened)?

Also, will the doctor be able to transmit if I have have sex that day?

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The doctor have seen adjectives kinds of vaginas, breasts, and uterus's. Its "merely another hole" to them.

Don't worry roughly speaking your pubic hair, you can be bushy or smooth on top down there.

They put something call a speculum inside of you, it looks like a duckbill, here are different sizes but they open your vagina up plenty for them to get some sample of your uterus for testing.

You should NOT own sex for two days before your pap smear. No douching any. It could affect the results of your test.

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Don't verbs about the mane, it won't get contained by the way.
The doctor does this regularly so don't be like a cat on a hot tin roof, there will be a nurse surrounded by the room with you also.
I'm not sure going on for the sex question, and I'm not sure if it matter, so it's probably best not to have sex that daylight.
They use a speculum, and they have different sizes. It simply open it up enough for them to find a sample, it is slightly discomfited but very fast.

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well the quill isnt a problem and the thing they put within you is a speculem and they have different sizes also i dont know if the dr can detail if you had sex but they wont prudence nothing they havent see b4 i have have many paps surrounded by my time

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i wouldnt enjoy sex the night in the past,because of obvious reason. usually smears are done by a nurse? (uk)..i would also trim as hurts a bit after and i bled for a bit too.
its something we all enjoy to go through so dont verbs and they have see every shape and size as well

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First sour, NOTHING to be embarrassed just about. Trust me, we have see it all within health diligence.

You wont need to shave, freshly bathe as you generally would. Yes the doctor will be able to know if you enjoy had sex lately.

The 'entry' that opens you up looks more fear-provoking than it is. It can be a little discomfited, but by no means sensitive. This being your first time you're going to believe its going to be worse than it is.

There requirements to be a female present when you own it done. Either a nurse, your mom or best friend. That is normal procedure. If one isnt within the room, make sure you ask for one to be present.

They will lift a sample to be put into a lab for conducting tests, as well as do an internal. Its prompt and painless... nothing to alarm I promise.

Pap smears are VERY important... variety sure you get them done every 2 years. 14 days after the 1st day of your interval.


1. A male doctor can not examine you in need a female present.
2. They do this for a living, they are used seeing this fragment of the anatomy and realise that women have bodily spike.
3. A metal clamp is inserted into the vagina. It is well lubricated and open up slightly, when in place, to fashion it easier to insert the instrument with which they help yourself to the sample. (It does not hurt)
4. The "smear" is taken from the d??colletage of the cervix. Usually this does not hurt. But sometimes afterwards you might experience some discomfort or soreness like a mild term pain.
5. If you are still aroused from a sexual exploit, then probably.
Welcome to womanhood. It really is plentifully less worse than you might surmise. Doctors, medical staff are just resembling other people. If their key concern was the state of your pubic down they wouldn't doing medicine they'd own become beauty therapist.
So remeber when they say relax do your best girl.

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No involve to shave. The thing they stick inside is call a speculum, it's a metal instrument and they sqeeze the handles to accessible you up, I hate that bit one-sidedly it feels close to you are stretched to bursting. They also put something inside through the speculum to scrape cell off of you. It will hurt a bit. I estimate they will be able to see if near is inside you, so maybe use a condom.

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you dont hold to have a mannish doctor do this - you can book in near the nurse..and she can do it for you.

you are not supposed to have sex up to that time a smear test as it can interfere next to the results. dont worry though..its soon over & done near and it is essential you have one done on a regular idea for your own health.

p.s. you dont enjoy to shave!!

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If a mannish doctor is performing your smear a female nurse will be present by imperative.
As some of the others have said they do this every light of day so please try not to be embarrassed they are helping you.The speculum will be inserted into your vagina and is used to know how to get to your cervix(neck of the womb)this is where on earth they take a preview of your cervical cells using what looks approaching a little brush, it solitary lasts a issue of minutes and is'nt painful, simply slightly uncomfortable.I would avoid intercourse for at smallest 24 to 48 hours before because any semen contained by your cervix can affect the result of your smear and you may then be recall back to own it repeated.You dont need to shave only have a tub or shower before.Try to relax easier said than done but cart some deep breaths and reach a deal to your nurse they are usually pretty good and try to thieve your mind off it.I find a righteous sense of humour helps during this procedure, until that time you know it it will be over and you will wonder why you worried in the first place.I am pleased you are going for your smear so various women ignore their invite and after years later suffer the consequences.You will get hold of the results in roughly 6 weeks after(if you are in the UK).Good Luck.

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i reccomend a website calle TeenHealth it will explain the procedure of the exam

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I know it may be a little courage wrecking and scary the first time you get hold of your pap smear done but there's no requirement to be embarassed.

Doctors have done pap smears a million times. I'm sure they don't reflect twice about what you look close to down there and nearby's no need to shave lol.

A Pap smear is a experiment your doctor does to check for signs of cancer of the cervix. During a Pap smear, your doctor takes a taste of cells from your cervix to be tested.

To appropriate the sample, your doctor will put a instrument call a speculum into your vagina. This helps enlarge your vagina so the sample can be taken. Your doctor will placidly clean your cervix next to a cotton swab and then collect a token of cells near a small brush, a tiny spatula or a cotton swab. This sample is put on a chalice slide and sent to a lab to be checked.

The doctor will probably tell you not to be alarmed when you hear a clicking echo. It's just the tumult that the speculum makes when they break open it up a little bit to grasp a better view of your cervix.

I don't remember how big a speculum is but its not that big lol.

The simply tip I can really give you for during the exam is to thieve deep breathes and try not to stiff up. I find this helps me cuz it's really mortified especially when they are collecting the sample near the swab.

Oh . . and I have no belief if the doctor will be able to enlighten if you've had sex that same light of day but apparently you're not suppose to have sex inwardly 24 hours before the exam.

GoOd luck! =)

For ladies who use purely pads..what do u do when u turn swimming and it's that time of the month?

You can shave the pubic hair if you want to but it won't embarrass them or slight them if you don't. They are used to seeing the hair.

As for spreading the legs friendly in front of the drs so that he can see everything they are used to seeing inside. This will not embarrass them any.

But before anything is done near exams you can request to speak to the dr in plainclothes first. Let the dr know how concerned you are around having this done. If the dr is really appropriate they will take the time answer adjectives questions you hold for them.

The instrument they use to see inside your vagina is called a speculum and looks close to the bill of a duck. They come in different sizes, ones that are small and designed for women that are virgins (didn't find this out til lots years later after I have my first pelvic exam and pap smear at 18 oh so many years ago) and women next to small pelvis, and other sizes for women who are of medium sized pelvis, and those that are a bit larger or who enjoy had several children.

It go up a bit in the vagina but not adjectives the way to where on earth it touches your uterus.

As for telling if you enjoy had sex or not usually what they will do is ask in the order of your sexual history as part of the exam.

A virtuous book you can check to see if your library has that will explain this genuine simply as well is a book call Woman to Woman by Dr. Yvonne Thornton. This book is real jammy to understand.

For sites please check out:

As for the pap smear the dr will cart a special little brush to take some of the cell from the opening of your cervix that afterwards get put on a slide and sent to the lab for analysis. The results should come posterior in in the region of 2 weeks.

Also, when it comes to the exam if the dr is really good they will explain to you what they are doing as they are doing it.

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