
Why is it in some porno movies the people do not practice safe and sound sex?
Some of the guys do not wear condoms when performing with young at heart ladies,

Does getting fingered hurt? (girls only)?

I would like to focus that most of the time, the actors performing together are partner and only make w/ each other, which would engender it somewhat monogamous, but I am sure that isn't the case 100% of the time. Some of it is they don't exactness, and then I do know that they are put through conducting tests all t he time to check for STD's, but that still isn't undisruptive.

That's a good cross-examine, I never thought about it.

I started Nuvaring today and I be on my period when I started. Do I entail to take it out and verbs it?

Because it is make believe and the "actors" don't contemplation.

I m 13 yrs old girl minus periods?

some require and some dont

Bad cramps! please abet!?

Because a lot of men surrounded by pornographys have have the surgery where they snip them so that they can't procure a girl pregnant. And the girls are all on BC. Plus, I'm sure more than partly of the "stars" already have STD's and whatnot, so it doesn't really concern to them.

Question for womenbleeding during sex, discharge?

They do not want to wait.

My time of year?


These porn artist are put through constant checking for
Venerial Diseases, but even still I don't think that that in
it self is not detrimental. And yes they can stiil be at risk.

How can I prevent breast soreness during PMS?

well maybe the ladies agreed to it and perchance they did hiv test up to that time they did it

I just turned 35 on may 12 and i havent have a period since the first week of april?

Because they dont nurture. They disgusting.

GIRLS ONLY PLEASE! "beach issues" ASAP?

I truly saw a documentary on this subject. They get tested constantly for any type of disease that they may hold. Also, she said that there is a detail of men or women that they film next to. But this seemed to be a better porn company. Some companies do not own any type of guidelines. Oh, and most women are on birth control. But I agree it doesn't seem sheltered either which channel. That's their life, though.

At what age should a babyish lady start seeing a gyno ?

because the citizens in the porn industry are a particularly "close knit"group, they are constantly checked and know one another well]

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