I be just fingered by my bf later week and it was the 1st time and i bleed is this intuitive?(im still a virgin)

i heard that it be natural to bleed the first time and my bf say its because im a virgin. is this true? since the first time hes done it to me 2 more times and both times i bleed again. i dnt understand i thought it be just the first time that this should appear. im really worried cos im ready to sleep beside him but wat if somethings wrong with me somebody comfort!!

Novocaine or not?

bless u i dont think u requirement to worry i hope ur b/f be gentle near u though we r all different some bleed a bit some profusely some not atall as long as its not painful i wouldnt verbs just be sure u r prepared before u sleep near him for first time and dont be pressured into it and if the times right just relax and delight in and dont worry xx

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Yes this does sound to be true but i chew over you should consult you doctor before goin any further.

Orgams Question.?

yeah i woudlnt verbs bout it hunny,. im not a virgin i still bleed sometimes during sex! it doesnt mean anything is wrong next to you. your just tight. its a right thing!

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when are u gonna permit him hump ya? LOL

Is it a chance you can return with pregnant if her period comes?

he might ahve broke ur hymen.

Why enjoy I gained so much pounds?

Get him to cut he's nail.

So if your hymen is on the outside of ur vag. then how u still bleed when?

i wouldnt verbs about it.

Tons of sweating, tons of pimple, extremely tired?!?!?

Your hymen have been broken.May be he be doing it too hard although I hear it is conventional to bleed for up to the first four times don't be too alarm.Hey how did it feel to be fingered I'm serious.I am a virgin too and my boyfriend want to do it.Email me tolerate me know.

Help!! i wont stop!!?

he may be being a bit rough but move about see your gp see if she can give you an internal to see whats going on


Hey within! It could be that your starting your period or it could be that he have long or sharp finger nails, he may be scratch the inside of you that is cause you to bleed, ask to see his nails if they are long or sharp ask him to cut them down!!

I not long had bariatric surgery and lost over 100lbs! Shouldn't my ins. income for tummy tuck!?

you're no virgin! he finger fucked you and that's the same as sex. call on your gyn for an exam and always use condoms.

How do them peope binge?


Hi I enjoy sex often beside some of my friends?

nothing is wrong with you. I'm thinking that your hymen (the piece of skin is in the hole of your vagina that can tell weather or not your a virgin) have not been completely torn even so. if he is just fingering you he might only just be ripping it a little respectively time.
once the two of you have sex for the first and I don`t know even the second time you should have stopped bleeding after that. if after the second time that you two enjoy sex and you still bleed go to your Dr. and they will do an internal exam.

Cramps and a filling flow, solution?

get to the dr. he scratched you or something. and if his hands be dirty...your gonna have more problems than blood. if you can do the work.you can act close to a big girl and go to the dr. :P

I am 20 n enjoy had discharge frm my vigina that go from light pink to bwn to drk red. What cud it be from?

he broke your hymen, no you are not a virgin anymore.

Woman Please Help TERRIBLE RAZOR BURN - I shaved to surprise my bf whos comming final tomorrow - I got the?

Its impeccably normal! People can bleed for adjectives different reasons. I shouldn't verbs about it to much! If your really really worried next go to your doctor basically to make sure!
Good luck!!

Red semen?

dont verbs about it, its typical.

My legs have be feeling tired lately..what to do, what to do, what to do?

your still a virgin, you entail to have penretive sex, try fingering your self for a bit and seize your body used to the feeling and intrusion.
Its only just that your hymen isn't properly broken, its nothing to verbs about.
I hold been have sex for 5 years and bled last week afterwards. the body is sensitive, purely relax.

Is it normal to vomit during your interval?

yes it is normal , and you be a virgin now your Hyman is broke (hence the blood ) you are no longer innocent

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