Woman Please Help TERRIBLE RAZOR BURN - I shaved to surprise my bf whos comming back tomorrow - I get the?

surprise it looks horrible is there anything I can do to clear it go away or at lowest possible better by tomorrow noon?


Go buy a cheap past its sell-by date brand or name brand of monistat...use it topically approaching a lotion, it will cure it overnight or at least pinch the swelling and heat/sting out almost instantly. I used it for diaper rashes on my kids when they be little, overnight their rash would be totally gone! It have many uses besides the "mundane use" and it's safe to use.

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You shaved to surprise him? you don't usually shave? gross dude, no wonder he departed.

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Aloe vera, but it won't look common that quick no situation what you do. Sorry

Question for you girls?

1. How is it supposed to surprise him for you to shave?
2. Sorry but next time you entail to be more careful when your shaving.

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i hate phil collins have a point lol

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after you shave you should rub the nouns with a clear stick of deodorant it works dint ask me why

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go to the store and get some of that up to date stuff that u put on ur legs after u shave to get rid of cut-throat burn and make ur legs shiny. im sorry i dont know what its call but if u go to the shaving isle at wal-mart u should know how to find something like that. GOOD LUCK!

My friend is getting a gastric bypass in June. She is with the sole purpose 28 years old. She is 5'2 and weigh around 229.

aloe vera, not the colored kind, purely plain, natural aloe vera

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LOL. Oh, he'll be surprised alright.

I did like thing a few years ago, The itch that I get while it was growing wager on almost drove me crazy.

Enough about me. You can use aloe vera gel and/or vitamin E. The combination is better. Be VERY wise because aloe vera gel should not get on any mucuous surfaces such as the vagina. (You don't want a double whammy) . Aloe veral gel usually works pretty immediately. But checkout the websites first.

Good (lol) Luck!!

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You could use Vaseline, that's what I use. As for preventing this from up again, shave downwards and toward the center and most of all use a fragrance free shaving cream and hot hose. Apply Vaseline immediately after shaving. To prevent itching while fuzz grows back, don't consent to it grow back! Shave each day in the shower or right earlier the shower.

I need back realy fast?

I, too, hold on to mine shaved pretty short. When I shave, I either use Cetaphil Skin Cleanser or Neutrogena Body Wash. The Cetaphil is really slick, so shaving is smooth. And the other stuff prevents break outs. I don't really know what else to speak about you, besides the aloe vera stuff. Next time, use brand new cut-throat and go downward. Its fun to surprise him, but I won't shave completely anymore cuz of that. I'd mind about getting busy, too! No man on top or you're gonna be suffering for real!

Do Democrats fastidiousness more about women's condition?

A cold shower, followed by "curash" powder it is wonderful stuff. then basically gently pat some more powder over the pubic bone and the rest of your body formerly he comes over, you will be smooth and soft and smell nice, say oh i of late got out of the shower im adjectives powdery and soft :) If the marks are still red plenty to be slightly visible or embarrasing, turn the fluffy off or use a oil lamp for dim lighting. Hell still get the smooth sensation, but not the ocular. Either way, im sure he will still appreciate the intention.

How can you stop your underarms from sweating?

E45 lotion!

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