
i have a white sore contained by my mouth and i one under my tongue i also hold a cold is it a coldsore?is it from my cold?

Sensitive vagina. Clit hurts. what is it?

Canker sore/ Aphthous stomatitis

is a condition characterized by the eruption of painful ulcerls ( commonly call canker sores) which occur on the mucous membranes of the mouth Evidence suggests that the condition is an immune hostile response. Heredity, some foods, emotional stress,cancer, and frenzy are also possible causes.

There is a suitable product that is an over the counter: Fletcher's Liquid Sore-Mouth Medicine.

Also, cold sores are consider a type of Herpes virus. Try another over the counter product call Abreva.

What is the main mete out of yeast infection?

I REALLY wanted you to know that you can EASILY never enjoy to deal near another horrible, awful, nasty cold-sore for the rest of your enthusiasm!!

I got them every winter my total life until 3 years ago (I'm 36 now) and they be the BANE of my existence...the whole process took weeks to make well and would leave a defacement for at least 2 months sometimes!

I be reading a message board on and discovered the PERFECT remedy for both healing them and preventing them completely:

So, I buy the gooey tincture by "HerbPharm" and it has not one-time me ONCE...Whenever I'm feeling drained, tired, stressed, or receive that tingly feeling on my lip, I a short time ago load up on this stuff.

This is the one I buy:

You can also capture Olive Leaf at Whole Foods Market, and other natural food stores.

Very cheap.

The first time I tried it, I be actually in the middle into a major eruption and I drank a bunch of the extract surrounded by some water.
AS I WAS DRINKING the stuff down, I could have a feeling the swelling on my lip shrinking...I was contained by such shock--I ran to the mirror--it be shrinking before my eyes and inside ten minutes my lip had returned to NORMAL...I begin kissing the bottle of Olive Leaf...yeah, I really did!!

I had tried everything in times gone by...I can't begin to put in the picture you what I went through...and it's immediately been 3 YEARS since I've have one!

also...for your cold:

PLEASE try these 3 remedies...EVERY time I feel run-down or procure that tickly feeling within my throat I take these 3 things and it NEVER turns into a full-blown cold.


2) "JarrowDophilus", by "Jarrow Formulas" will hang on to the healthy "flora" within your body in surefire balance which keep your immune system strong.

3) "Emergen-C" Vitamin C packets by "Alacer"

All three can be purchased at "Whole Foods Market", possibly "Trader Joe's", or hail as your local health food store to inquire something like these 3 products.

EVERY friend and family contestant who has taken this direction, hardly ever get sick.

For your throat: "Peaceful Mountain--Throat Rescue"
You will NEVER find a more powerful throat spray which is all-natural....soothing, fast acting, and kill bad germs on contact.

Cayenne Pepper in capsule (or sprinkled on soup) helps greatly beside congestion AND is also an immune systen booster too....and drink lots of organic green tea to back your energy level.

You'll see!! :) Get well soon!

I've be in the Alternative Medicine pen for some time now, and present individualized consultations:

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