Vaginal or yeast infection?

What's the difference in symptoms?

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a yeast infection is a type of vaginal infection. it smells approaching a really rotten fish and it itches a lot within the vagina. With a yeast infection, the discharge can be cottage-cheese like to green and is treated near an antifungal and with a vaginal infection it will smells similar to a fish too and there will be swelling and antibiotics are required. Often times it's rock-hard to determine whether you have a vaginal or yeast infection, the symptoms are exceptionally much a like. That's why I enlighten my patients to try an over-the-counter azole for 3 days first and if it doesn't go away to come into the bureau to test out to see if they own a vaginal(bacterial or viral) or a vaginal yeast infection and this way I can distribute the right type of meds. There are also different types of yeast infections. Yeast grows in moist areas such as the mouth, the skin, under the breasts, and the vagina and men can gain these symptoms too. The medication can be oral,cream(which is put in the vagina) as capably as a suppository.


there are several different types of vaginal infection the primary three are yeast a fungus, bacterial which are caused by microbes, and viral which are caused by a virus, you may take more info at,

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