Are there some kind of foods that a girl should or shudnot eat during her periods?


help!any midwifes out in attendance? trainee or anyone who can give support to?

you can devour doesn`t matter what you want.

do women grasp period surrounded by the first two months of pregnancy?

I would come up with chocolate would be amusing during a interval or right past it.

how wicker craft my crmps to be more plesent evry month?

your suppose to stay away from caffeine.

Teenage girls erudition of human reproduction?

if you are prone to migraines right beforehand or during your length,cut fund on flavoursome foods,chocolate,wine(if u drink),and caffiene.The aromatic foods will cut rear legs on bloating too.

For Grils Only Question?

I come up with I remember reading that you should probably stay away from high-sodium foods, drink plenty of dampen which will aid relieve the bloating, and try and stay away from caffeine. I pretty much drink and drink as if it be any other sunshine. I only drink marine if I have a feeling bloated, but thats more or less it. :)

How can I lose this?

caffine is flawless to avoid as it can basis cramps to win worse...hygienic, lowsalt foods may also be practical as you're already holding river solidity..

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