14, still no time?

im not athletic, not underweight
im 85 pounds, 5'2 am i too small?
ive had discharge for 4 years (is it supposed to be white?)
and breast nouns since 12
im 14 if you missed that in the question haha
could it be because i stress alot?

Do you shave everything since you go to the gynecologist?

None of your stats indicate anything. You will start when your body is ready. Perfectly usual. Be glad you haven't, trust me you are missing nothing.

How tons calories..?

Go to the doctor

Does depilation increase the chance of getting cancer?

Sounds conventional to me. You do sound pretty skinny, although not too discouraging and if you've got breasts and discharge. (yeah it's white)..hmm. If you're worried something like it you could talk to someone but impart it a bit more time. 14 is still ok. Lucky actually!

I own lost my libido?

You are underweight for one thing but that have nothing to do near your period. If you don't return with it by time you are 16 then you should see your doc to be sure everything is ok but otherwise you are fine for presently. You do need to see in the order of increasing your weight though as you are underweight for your altitude.

Any girls take Yasmin? Do you similar to it?

period usually comes when you reach something like 100 pounds

** Farts?

Some people merely have theirs next then others, I've hear some people own their first at seventeen. But be glad you still don't have yours. Periods are not fun at adjectives.

How do i keep myself from getting aroused adjectives the time?

stop worrying... not everyone starts at the same age...
if you hold any concerns about puberty etc (or the discharge) see a doctor... you arent too childish to have a gyn exam and only just be sure
Good Luck

Females only While you are on your extent do you feel more sexy and turned on?( I am massively curious why women?

Dishcarge can be anywhere from white to clear to a yellowish color. So it's totally normal. If you don't obtain your period by the time you're 16 you requirement to go to the doctor. I cogitate 85 pounds is underweight for a 14 year old because I'm 14, 5'4'', and somewhat over 100 pounds and I'm deffinatly not fat. Maybe you've newly been stressing out around it and maybe it's because of your size. Just dont try to reckon about it - trust me it's not that exciting of a entity.

Whats everyones opinion on breast implant?

It will come don't worry you enjoy the rest of your life to curse it so don't be within a hurry it will come..

Help! missed period! im 12?

That is underweight. I be 5'2 and 76 lbs and mine stopped. ( i started at age 10 and was age 17 at the time). Technically its not worrisome til you are over the age of sixteen. If you are worried, though, Id ask your doctor.


You are to some extent skinny, and may need to gain some cargo. your body may feel it cannot enjoy a period because it doesn't enjoy enough zest and nutrition, because having a time of year takes deeply out of a woman, emotionally and physically and many women enjoy to take vitamins only during their period to give a hand them stay strong. discharge can be from whiteish to clearish in color. I didn't take my period till i be between 14 1/2 to 15, i can't remember. some girls just nick longer and some come very untimely. my mom is a 3rd grade mentor and she had a girl start within her class and she was with the sole purpose about 8 or 9 years antediluvian, yet my great great grandma didn't hold her period until she be 16. don't worry roughly speaking it, but if it does take too long you may want to stir to a doctor because you may have an infection of some genus. my mom had one that cause her not to have a extent for 4 years! drink cranberry juice it cleanses the tract and vagina essentially and helps rid infections.

I want to wear a bra so feebly! how can i get one back grade 8?

These things come at different times to different kids. Some girls inaugurate as early as 8 or 9 and others can be 17.

some enjoy rather significant breast nouns first and other none. My daughter, whom I raised be nearly sixteen and was otherwised developed. I guess stress can make a difference, but I'm not sure on that; but most promising you will begin inwardly a year or so.

It won't hurt to have a doctor check your nouns, but probably isn't needed either unless you pass by 16 and still don't have it. Even after, you probably don't need to be concerned. you are pretty tinny and that has be known to difficulty it, but most likely you are only a late bloomer surrounded by that area, don't stress on it.

As to a white discharge, to be exact normal, even sometimes slightly sickly is ok, if it lacks bad odor. Green is not and pale is not if it is very pale. Most bad discharges smeel discouraging too so you will know.

Younger girls have more white discharge than do elder ones, it is a normal piece of developing. Again, don't stress.

Period coming soon?

I think stress can affect it, if you're concerned consequently you can ask your doctor about it. My daughter's best friend who is 14 1/2 hasn't gotten hers but, either. Most predictable your body is just taking its time. Do you know when your mom and her mom get theirs? It's been found to usually be similar through the generation.

One good entity about it - if you gain your menarche later on, it is believed to lower the risk is of breast cancer!

Added- I agree near others, you ARE definitely underweight, please check beside your mom or a professional to see about getting hold of a few healthy pounds (NOT by drinking junk food :) )

After a c-section?

My mom started at age 17. Trust me delight in not having it as long as you can.

Dr have sent off fora histology try-out - what is this?

14 and only 85 pounds ? Your body cannot afford to menstruate ...you don't hold enough counterbalance to menstruate safely lacking becoming anemic. See your doctor or use a height/weight calculator to figure out what your just the thing weight should be .own a few banana splits and see what happens. Human bodies control themselves through a process call homeostasis which is very complex but surrounded by a nutshell .it will adjust itself to not allow a process that will be detrimental to itself by adjusting the hormonal production inside itself.

I carry bacteria vagnosis intensely often is within anything I can take or do to prevent?

Some girls don't go and get they're periods until they're 17 and some girls bring back them when they're 9, I wouldn't worry give or take a few it , Ask you mother if you have one when she get hers,it will give you an thought of when you should expect yours

Why is a back up method of birth control compulsory, if you miss two pills in a row.?

Eh, stress could be it, I didn't take my period until I be 14 and I know girls that didn't get it until they be 15. You should see a doctor if you don't get your length by the time you're 16.

Weird cramps? please help!?

Your too skinny which is a desperate thing. Are you sure your not making that counterweight up to make you nouns skinny? I think you are. Well anyways if your that skinny (I doubt it) after thats why you havent gotten your period. Underweight is bleak you know. People die from being underweight and overweight. Not to upset you though. You have to own tons of pubic hair, arm pit down, cramps, and other stuff also before you start your spell. Good luck!

Would it be bad to shift on and off birth control?

First past its sell-by date, when did your mother start? Because that's a factor as well. Secondly, I'm 4'11 and weigh 85lbs, so to me, you give the impression of being slightly underweight, but if you eat deeply, then you freshly have a nifty metabolism, so you're healthy that process. Some women don't get their period until 16, or even 18, so don't start worrying just but. But if you ARE totally freaking out, ask your doctor. But if I were you, I'd be glowing. I hate my term, and wish I could do anything outside of 'the pill" to gain rid of it. All I can say is that consent to time do its work, and it will come eventually.

What to use for cuts and bruses?

you know what? don't even worry something like it right now. adjectives your friends are bragging that they have theirs, but contained by a couple of years, they'll realize they don't really want it anyway.

the age for starting varies between women, and anything is commonplace. if by the time you're 16 and you haven't started, or you mother thinks it's an issue, ask to see a doctor. excluding that, don't rush nature. (and for the journal, I wish I could progress back and not own to worry next to all of the crap that comes next to womanhood... emotional rollercoaster, the cycle, the money I hold to spend to cater to the cycle... you get my point?) it'll come. and if it doesn't and the doctor requirements to later, she can administer you a shot to make it start.

The theory test said negative but i still enjoy not gotten my period?

I phone up that lucky don't worry it will come sooner or subsequently

Is it okay for males like me to wear tampon or sanitary pack?

this is average, especially if you get alot of exercise. It could surface anytime within the subsequent 3 years. See a doctor.

Woman with PCOS?

You do nouns underweight, which could be the cause. Some women don't start ovulating until they are 16. Give it some time, if you don't inside the next two years be in motion see a ob/gyn. In the meantime don't stress about it. Enjoy it while you can!

Helppp!? I dont know what it is!?!?!? :(?

youre to small because did u attemp 2 ask doctor

Period problem (mature subject matter)?

Go to physician.. i know someone who hasnt have their period until they be like 17.. ego say your lucky but nearby can be things that are seriusoly wrong so tell you parents and ask a phyician

Ball of flesh or skin lifeless in vagina?

If i'm you i will not verbs about i fist enjoy my period when i be 15 and now i aspiration i never haded...

I am on my period i own the worst cramps EVER!!! what do i do?

sorry to say it, but you are underweight.
potatoes, rice, red meat.
or you just own a high metabolism.
more or less your other problem, don't rush it, it will come soon enough and consequently you will wish it didn't.
"Be well thought-out what you ask for, because you just might take it."

Girls only?

please don't listen to the race telling you are that you are underweight. i be 5'1 and 85 lbs when i started my period. i do own a small frame so i looked just right. i am still severely petite, but i'm older in a minute and weigh a bit more, i have never be 100 lbs (or more) though and i have NEVER missed a spell. i don't know what that person be talking almost who said you had to weigh 100 lbs to own your period.

usually, a girl will start her length 2 years after breast development. you should start anytime!

Ive have a yeast infection for about 8 days immediately. I used monistat & 2nd day i used it i get a cut on my vagina.?

According to the BMI you are under weightiness check it out...
This could be why you have not gotten your extent yet, and besideds 14 is still pretty childish. The average age in the US is 13, to be exact only the average, some those don't get it till atleast 18. But that does not event you will get it when your body is organized. Just be thankful you don't enjoy to worry roughly cramps, and buying about $500 worth of feminine hygean products every year. Don't stress it is really not a big promise, honestly. And yes stress can affect your cycle as well.

I am thinking nearly having a breast aug and wonder what is the surefire size?

its normal, my sister contained by law get it when she hit 16.
very common some get it even subsequently.

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