Does hysterectomy start the menopause?


What is menopause?

Hi Sandra i had a hysterectomy 2years ago and they took my ovaries as okay so i was put into the menopause but if they take off the ovaries then no you wont shift menopausal wouldn't worry any way its the best article that could have happen to me if you have your ovaries removed and stipulation help beside hot flushes take my word for it and give somebody a lift Black Chosh the hot flushes will soon disappear hope this helped you perfect luck and health

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Depends on whether you hold your ovaries removed as well.

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a full hysterectomy more feasible will but if a person still have their ovaries then the proses will be delayed.

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YES! Your menopause starts on the operating table if you have a complete hyst. Sometimes the gyn. will be off a portion of an ovary so menopause does not start immediately.

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It depends on whether you enjoy your ovaries removed or not.

I had a hysterectomy a few years ago but didn't enjoy the ovaries removed, they said at the time I might have menopause untimely, as yet I am still waiting for the menopause and I am 42 (operation be 5 years ago)

If you have the ovaries removed afterwards yes you are plunged into menopause, but they usually give you hormone treatment after the operation.

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A full hysterectomy where your ovaries are removed as economically as the womb will trigger the menopause, but if you still have nourishing ovaries and they decide to will them there, it will not trigger the menopause, but it's notably likely you will become menopausal nearer than you normally would.

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Sometimes, younger women entail a hysterectomy to treat health problems such as endometriosis or cancer. A hysterectomy is an operation to remove a woman’s uterus (womb). Often one or both ovaries (the womanly organs that produce eggs and hormones) are removed at the same time the hysterectomy is done. If you haven’t reach menopause, a hysterectomy will stop your period. But, you will get menopause only if both ovaries are removed, call surgical menopause. Because surgical menopause is instant menopause, it can cause more severe symptoms than natural menopause (menopause that occur as part of the pure aging process). You should talk next to your doctor about how to best oversee these symptoms.

Women who have a hysterectomy but hold their ovaries left surrounded by place will not reach menopause at the time of surgery because their ovaries will verbs to make hormones. But, because the uterus is removed, they will no longer own their periods and they cannot become pregnant. Later on, they might get natural menopause a year or two quicker than expected.

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Hysterectomy no. Ovariohystrectomy, yes.

If your ovaries are removed you will immediately move about into a surgical menopause.

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It depends if you hold your ovaries removed then yes this will start the menopause but you will be given tablets that will touch menopausal symptoms.
I had this operation 10 years ago and my ovaries be removed and I was given patch for hormone replacement and I have never suffered any effects of the menopause

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If you had a complete one, yes it will. I go through mine at 32. Hormones helped me through the worse. A follower on me, foot out from under the sheet help a lot to. Good Luck

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