Missed my interval after an operation?

Hi everyone, I recently have a laproscopic operation for my appendicitis (15 days back). My date for period be a 4-5 days back but I missed it. I am married but have never had sex near my hubby without a condom.
Am I pregnant? Or is it a side effect for the torment killers I have to take?
Please tolerate me know what I should do?


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I have jaw surgery roughly five months ago and I was freaking out because I be due to start my period the year before. It never come. For three months after my surgery - nothing (I can't right to be heard that I was upset. lol) I asked my doctor going on for it (just to be safe) and she said it was merely stress. Nothing to worry roughly speaking.

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it's probably from the stress that your body have gone through, it has effect the cycle.should happen soon though, and you could other try a pregnency test to be sure.

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This is totally normal to enjoy a delayed period after things approaching operation, or any kind of stress that your body experiences. Don't verbs. If your condoms never broke and there be no leakage, you are not pregnant. But I would thieve a pregnancy test merely to make sure.

Breast Pain (please read, I obligation answers)?

Ive had that done also and missed a few period. The doctor says its majority so u dont have to verbs about it. But if u are worried and want to know more you should receive ahold of your doctor.

Im taking birth control and this is my 2nd day of the non busy pill and no peroid is this normal?

I suppose its your body de-stressing after an operation, They will come back.

Traking my interval on mymonthlycycles Having difficulties?

it ok period delay are usual. if you want it come regurarly then u can homyopathy tablets from india( if u go to india) thats what happen to me and now i filch the medicine and every entry has turned put money on to normal. u must filch homyopathy medicine it is exceedingly effctive and good. hope that help u.

Has anyone taking the sleeping pill "Lunesta" had any side effects?

neither, its due to blood loss during surgery, it should come pay for next month, you can other test for pregnancy if you craving. pain killer wont cause that though.

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stress and medication can alter the periods.

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Hey devika,
I have a lapro a few weeks abck and am due on this thursday, i wondered if it would effect my periods and have a look on google a few women have have late/no period afterwards, so i wouldnt verbs to much, but why noy buy a pregnancy test newly to put your mind at rest? hope all works out x

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