A question more or less miscarriages?

I had my second miscarriage a month ago and they did test on my baby to find out why. the test have come support and there be nothing wrong next to my baby. i am supposed to gain more info on it at my appointment tommorow. a year ago i miscarried because i was on birthcontrol and i am worried that I don`t know something is wrong with me, that something might Changed inside me to keep hold of me from having anymore kids. i own three amazing kids that i love more than anything, so believe me when i say i am obliged to have them. but my give somebody the third degree is, is it possible that the miscarriage i had due to the birth control could enjoy changed something in my blood that would stop me from carrying a baby to occupancy? if that is not viable what other reason could at hand be for me miscarrying a healthy fetus? i be six weeks pregnant and the guilt i feel for the possibility that it is my guiltiness is overwealming me. what other things could have cause me to miscarry if their was nil wrong with the newborn?


Whenever your on your period do you stop bleeding whenever your swimming?

Well I never articulate never but birth control does mess with your hormones. They articulate after you stop birth control you should expect to wait 1 year previously you can actually receive pregnant (maybe waiting for your hormones to normalize). If have tried to receive pregnant more than a year after you stopped taking your birth control, I would say to move about back to your doctor and collaborate to him/her about it.

What TO put away, and What NOT to eat, while pregnant!?

you bear care presently. don't do anything that i wouldn't do. better stay outta that bedroom for awhile and give it a rest, huh?

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