Do any girls here enjoy that surgically done birth control? Not tubes tied.?

I was beside this girl about a month ago. She have some birth control, where they implanted this item in her or something, I'm not really sure what it is.

But, my real request for information is. If you have it done, does your guy complain that it pokes him? She have these wires sticking out and in some positions it was close to..... jamming a paper clip into the tip of me. Is that common? She said it was so they could carry ahold of it or something. idk. Doesn't sound right to me. It freaking hurt.

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The just "surgical" birth control was an drive in that they put in your arm and it would distribute hormones for nearly 5 years... but it was discontinued because the implant kept slipping and moving around on a person's arm.

There are things you can stick up your vagina call IUDs... I don't know much about them, but usually the guy wobt become aware of it too much.. and the nuva ring even less so.

An IUD is placed in your uteris, which is further than a penis can permeate.


There is a method of birth control that a tube is implanted
in the arm, but I've never hear of putting it elsewhere.
It doesn't have wires, it's basically a small tube implanted in the upper arm, near birth control for a few years in it. It can't be feel on the outside of the skin even!
Are you sure that she knew what she be talking roughly?
(Sounds really crude. Note: check type of birth control before
getting close enough to find out the strong way--may be trying to poke a whole contained by the proalastic. Maybe a man hater)

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It sounds resembling an inter-cervical wire-spring. I'll get hindmost with more info on that- as I encounter it too with a friendly aboriginal in SE Asia.
I agreed it stings- it's a very intimate mannish pain that one and only the sufferer can appreciate.

It there any type of condom that make sex better?

I'm planning on having mirena put surrounded by after my second kid. But I never heard of that, presently I'm curious..

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