Cost of colposcopy short insurance?

I just have a Pap smear and received a letter within the mail that said I own atypical squamous cells of undertermined significance and HPV. I'm so grief-stricken and scared. They want me to do a colposcopy next to a possible biopsy. Wondering what the cost is without insurance. What happen after this procedure how will the abnormal cell be treated?


Without insurance I would estimate the colposcopy to be a few hundred dollars, but talk to your OB/GYN, they should be capable of give you an estimate or even a clear-cut number before you diary the colposcopy. Don't be scared, most HPV infections clear up on their own in a few months. If your doctor doesn't see any lesions on your cervix during the colposcopy, you'll most predictable be scheduled for a pap every three months or six months to keep hold of an eye on the cells and a biopsy won't even be essential. Worst case scenario is that if your doctor finds malignant cell or abnormal lesion that they will remove them via laser, however if you have be faithfully getting your paps every year, the cell should not be at this stage. Try not to stress too much and hope this helps.

Another sound out re: PMS?

Hi, I'm totally feeling what you're going through. I have the same diagnosis 4 months ago and merely had the colposcopy done 2 days ago. There are 3 possible outcomes from the colp..1 is that everything is regular and the biopsies come back fine or they didn't even see anything exceptional once the acetic acid is applied. 2. is that you own dysplasia (CIN I, CIN II, CIN III) which is basical precancerous cells, here are several treatments to get rid of the infected nouns such as LEEP. 3. is the scariest and that is cervical cancer which is treated near chemo/radiation or hysteroctomy. I have no clue how much it costs in need insurance but I will find out in a couple of weeks when I get the bill. Thankfully I do hold insurance, but it doesn't seem similar to a cheap procedure at all. I'm only sitting around and waiting for my results, which is the worst part. You will own some weird discharge and be contained by pain the first sunshine with varying degree of what feels approaching a menstrual cramp. Good luck with everything.

Does anyone know roughly speaking brain swelling?

Colposcopy with biopsy can be costly. I would guess $500 and upward.

A doctor would recommend treatment upon the information gather from the colposcopy and the pathology report.

Understanding cell changes have a good guideline of treatments for CIN 1 Mild dysplasia to cancer great information.

Talk beside your doctor about costs options. Many doctors will give you a payment plan.

There are rule funds for low or no cost Pap Smears and treatment. I have roofed some links.

In 2004, Women In Government launched the Challenge to Eliminate Cervical Cancer Campaign. This bipartisan initiative mobilizes state legislators to address cervical cancer prevention in their states.

Other option are to check teaching hospitals contained by your area sometimes they will give services at lower cost. You also might see if you qualify for any clinical trails.;jses...

Many women have walk in your shoes; I instinctively know how scared I be when I first learn I have acquired HPV.

Some women can suppress the virus some women have need of treatments to help this process along.

Be persistent…with your doctor and adjectives other sources.

I wish you powerfully.

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