18 and elder please.....question more or less pelvic rest?

I lost my baby and have to have a d & c. My doctor told me that I hold to be on pelvic rest. He said no sex. Does that mean no orgasm? Is stimulation of only just the clitoris and an orgasm ok or is that included with the no sex?

Just a unusual question but curious any opinion and ideas would be great!?

I wouldn't fate it. I know that when I have an orgasm adjectives my muscles are workin' down there and sometimes involuntarily. You don't wanna mess something up. :)

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yea that could mean no sex tooo, but next again i just suppose he means no penis masagging ur vagina,, because it call for to rest and get final to normal,, if it purely going to be u ,, well run ahead and do it

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I wouldn't take the adjectives. My mom went through this and I guess they did stimulate and it took longer. Because stimulation get the muscles to contract and get excited. Don't risk it... sleep contained by the other room :P

I'm 14 yrs old and my largeness is 5'3'' and is stagnant since last few yrs. how can i increase my rise?

I am sorry for your loss.

"Pelvic rest" as a rule typically means a specified timeframe (sometimes two weeks, sometimes more, sometimes less) contained by which the patient does not insert anything into the vagina - that includes intercourse and tampons - OR induce orgasm by any manner. She is also not supposed to lift anything fatty or engage within vigorous exercise.

Check next to your doc to be certain of the limitations he or she have imposed upon you in your specific baggage, just to be sure.

Again, I am sorry for your loss.

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