Can a girl get pregnant if she be still a vergin?

yesterday i was getting intimate beside my gf and we wher having anal sex. i be coming little by little, i didnt know i was. then by mistake i stuck it in her vagina. i didnt pop her cherry and i directly moved it out. so logicly shes still a vergin. i use to finger her and accomplish to a point wer it shuts so i know she still a vergin. i dont want any1 to think am a pervert but i realy wanna know if she could go and get pregnant plz any1!! am going out of my mind! please help me!

Anyone using Seasonale? Any problems?

she unquestionably could get pregnant.
you don't hold to break the hymen (cherry) to cause pregnancy. the sperm are competent to get though like hole that her period comes out of.
There are even cases of women getting pregnant when in that was no TOUCHING between her and his genitals- but he ejaculate near her. sperm's sole puropse within life is to create foreign life, and they try

That have been said, it's extremely unlikely that you DID get hold of her pregnant, because not only did you enjoy to have take the sperm in the right location (her falopian tube where on earth the egg is) she has to be at the right point in her cycle to HAVE an egg within.

BUT next time, wrap it up, and you' won't verbs

I need assistance! girls only?

doubtful. Make sure you wrap it up though.

SEX give support to EMERGENCY?

yes she can!! it is really important shes get tested immidiatly!

Sensations during sex?

yes it is possibility she should get tested

Just have a pap smear..the lady said 4 of my white cell were denial and 2% were red cell..IS THIS BAD?

Yeah, she can get pregent, and virigin vehicle never having a penis enter the vaginia so technically shes not a virigin anymore. You can not relay from fingers if someone is a virgin or not. Sorry.

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