Has anyone ever used tampons..?

like right when you first get your fisrt periodd?? Is it ok too do that ?? I don't have mine even so but after i heard everything in the order of howw messy and unsanitary pads are i want to use tampons adjectives the time.

Answers:    You can most definitely start using them at the kick-off of your period. As other posters enjoy stated, inform yourself first on proper application. It can be a little tricky at first, but it's conspicuously WORLDS better than walking around with what in actuality feels resembling a diaper between your legs!

As for toxic shock, you should read up on that. A lot depends on how heavy your flow is. For example, I sleep near tampons every night during my menstrual cycle. I bring in sure it's a fresh one just since bed and I'm fine in the AM. However, my flow isn't sturdy really.
You can do that, you won't die or anything, just remember to transmutation them often. yea you can use them of late make sure you properly know how and don't sleep beside them...as long as you take a shower within the morning you will be sanitary. sleeping with them can lead to toxic shock syndrome.
I used tampons right at the start of my first period and in that were no issues. Just instruct yourself on the use of tampons and be sure to change them normally to prevent any infection. Most tampon boxes come with an instruction pamphlet inside the box, so be sure to read it thoroughly and arm yourself near the knowledge of how to properly use them!

Also, I sleep next to a tampon in, but transform it right before bed and as soon as I rouse up.
If you haven't had your . even so it might be somewhat uncomfortable to use one. Your . probably won't be a full . for your first. I suppose you will know the right time to use one.

Try it when you first get it, if it is self-conscious, sanitary napkins are just fine.

As you said, yea they are not cleaner than tampons but they still do the available job and the keep the "stuff" where on earth it needs to be. It is not as messy as you dream up it is. But tampons are cleaner yes.

You will know when the right time is.
Oh well,right very soon you dont have however but not that mean you never going to hold it[?]or soon you will have it.If you dont close to use tampons you can carry buckest between ur legs,its not comfy but not spill. Yeah--- I already use tampons, and I started within late October of '07.

I use pad, and they are pretty messy at times, but hey, its part of life---you really can't assistance it.

Periods suck.
You can use tampons for your first period if that's what you want to do. Like other posters enjoy said, educate yourself give or take a few the proper use of tampons.

Another suggestion that I have for you is to start by using the lowest absorbency tampon available, next to a pantiliner in shield of leaks. If you find that it's not permeable enough for you (you enjoy to change more habitually than every 4 hrs. or you experience leaks), get a better absorbency and continue this until you find the proper absorbency for you. The judgment for this is that you are young and, hence, still growing, so "super" tampons may be too big and uncomfortable for you to use. Start small and dance from there!

When I first started using tampons (around age 13) I used o.b., the character without an applicator. They be small and easy to use, but spongy enough as capably.

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