Please abet.. girl ask?

Okay, I am 13 years old and will be in the 8th title. I think I started my period yesterday.. Well I have brown and bloody stuff in my panties, (well not a heavy amount of stuff.. it be rather light but still deeply clear to see) and then all yesterday and this morning.. no blood.. they suddenly in a minute.. more blood. Is this my period and it's just irregular?? It's kinda alarming for me.. please help.

I kno I asked a question early.. but I didn't get all the details contained by.

Answers:    That sure sounds like you started! Congrats! The reason why you have no blood is because you're irregular. I started mine last year, and I'm still irregular.

You should tell your mom or an elder sister [if you have a sister]. They'll tell you nearly pads and pain medicine if you have any cramps or headaches. My sister [because my mom be at work when I started] told me what was happening within my body and told me about pads and tampons and everything.

Good luck and Congrats! =).
This small amount of blood within your panties could have actually be your first period. It is not uncommon when you first set off your period to have some spotting and after it may go away. You may or may not get a full interval for several months yet. This all depends on where on earth you are in your pubertal development process. Also, once you catch a full period, you may not have one as timely (once per month) as you would similar to. In fact, it takes most teen-aged females several years to hold a normal scheduled time.

We cannot predict exactly when a female will first start her period, but it is dependent somewhat on inheritance (other female relatives first period) and your development. You may want to discuss this near your doctor at your next appointment. They can better pinpoint where you are surrounded by the development process and give you a greater caring of the changes going on in your body. It can be shameful to discuss this with the doctor, but it is a very considerable step in growing up and taking care of your self medically..
Yes This is your first interval. You will need to choose how you are going to deal near it. Most girls aged 13 use pads/sanitary towels, such as 'always'. Your first few periods will be difficult as they can stop and start, have different amounts of time between them and ultimate for a different amount of time. It is normal for it to take some time to settle down into a regular cycle. When it does afterwards you will be able to work out how many days at hand are between each period so you will expect it. You will also procure better at reading your body so you know what is happening. It would be good for you to have a word about this with someone - try a feminine relative or a female teacher (especially PE or Biology). They may be a bit embarassed, just like you will be, but they will want to assistance. Thats how mine began.
Im 16 going on 17 now and I still hold a semi-irregular period.
The brown/reddish stuff you see is normal for when you first originate and should even out and become more regular the next four times you get it.

Also, possibly you should ask your mom to take you to the doctor also, they can help explain things better than I can :).
Aww bless. darlin its zilch to worry about. its of late your body getting used to it. like it getting into your system. i had like peas in a pod problem when i first started my period. its nothing to verbs about just try and wear a towel down in attendance for the time being untill you get more regular. The pill is devout to go on to regulate ur periods. possibly speak to your mum about it. whe you go on the pill it shows u the exact morning you will come on (because you come on when youv finished the packet then you have a 7 time break) x x x x x good luck and DONT WORRY X X X X X I am the exact same age as you and the same entity happened to me. this is your period and i guess you enjoy an iregular one like me. That is perfectly commonplace though. You have nothing to verbs about. Just make sure you other have a pad or a tampon until your spell is over cause you never know when it will become heavy.
flawless luck=].
yea it is and it will be irregular for about a year if not more. you might receive them for a few days in a row or alternating. then you might achieve it monthly for a wile and then all the sudden 2 or 3 months budge by and then it comes again. talk 2 ur mom and draw from some pads to save ur panties!! You probably did. It's majority to be scared when this happens for the first time. Tell another womanly that you know. Maybe a mother, aunt, or an older sister. Don't be scared. It's a element of life. Tell someone though. They can help you through this hugely important part of your time. : ).
ok yes its your period, it will be on anf off since you of late got it, and dont worry as time go on it will regulate and samethink happened to me,

mark your calander next to the intial of your name on the day you get it so you know how long to wait.
It is periods but it may lug a couple of months, maybe a few before they are regular and "settled". I have something similar, then off for give or take a few 4 months and then proper regular periods started. Ask a woman you trust, within your area, so you can get exactly the aid you need. It is scary I remember I be only 10, good luck!!.
Yep, sounds resembling you got your period and it's a moment or two irregular. It will be that way for a while. Yes this is your period. This is adjectives normal. I would suggest wearing liners as this will come about on off for a week..
Yupp.. it's a period lol... run of the mill as normal comes! It is almost always irregular for the first couple of years... :) WOAH. I am exactly where on earth you are. Thast what happened to me too.! D:.
yea i think it's your spell yeah, it is your period. sorry, bab. good luck..
It probably is. Ask your mom in the order of it. yea it ur period i would talk to ur mom if i be u so she can help u.
you are now a woman. yes u did the brown stuff be just old blood but in recent times to be sure ask ur mom

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