What do you do if you started your term for the first time?

its my first time plz help me

I am awakened by sharp misery under my right breast that go down to my upper abdomen.?

you grumble plentifully and snap at people and necessitate chocolate. :) seriously though all you entail are some decent pad, maybe some ibuprofen if you aren't allergic and aren't on anticoagulant medication, and a nice hot shower once or twice a daylight :) good luck, it get less mortified, especially if you get tampons after you feel smaller quantity icky in the winding up (dont buy super they're too darn big)

How do you cope with your shipment?

Put on a pad or a tampon.

How do i stop my time.. today?

since it is your first period,
i would ask an mature to buy you some pads.
they walk in your underwear and you should transmutation them about every 4 hours. depending on your flow.

Swollen and sore could this be from sex?

Tell your mom.

13 years old-fashioned and no Period?

Well you should tell your parents so they will know what to read aloud and have them thieve you to the doctor.

I'm very confusedcould i be pregnant?please aid?

I would first tell an elder female familial member, preferably mother. She'll know how to help you out surrounded by what to expect and what you need.

How to obtain rid of Jealousy in family circle and at work?

buy some pads and filch some midol for the pain

Loestrin (sp?) dose?

Go on beside life, don't verbs you'll get to experience this lovely phenomenon every month immediately. Welcome to women hood.

Can PCOS cause bipolar-like symptoms?

Well you should own a pad contained by your underwear and have ample available till your period ends. Have you talk to your mom yet? You may find some cramping in your lower belly, a ibuprofen will help that or a nice heat up rag placed on your belly. Your first time of year is usually shorter and lighter in bleeding so I would guess it would finishing 4-5 days.

How much longer will I bleed from a misscarriage?

if you dont have any pad or anything fold up some toilet paper or serious newspaper towel and stick it in your underwear afterwards tell your mom! RIGHT AWAY!! she will minister to you. Or any parent or guardian!!

Girls only, please. SERIOUS ANSWERS!!!!?

Talk to your mom. If you don't enjoy a mom, talk to another significantly trust OLDER female. Don' purloin silly advice from your friends. Talk to someone near some experience. They wont steer you wrong.

Whats that white thing that comes since your period?

get some pad or tampons and maybe some cramp pills approaching pamprin or midol and you will be fine

What is ovulation,when does it take place and for how long?

did u already transmit someone?
do u have a wad or tampon on or in?

midol? if so your good=)

Why is my time so irregular?

Tell your mom or a woman you trust and then you can win some pads or tampons from her. She will also give support to you if you need to lug some pain killer and different tricks for all the crap we jump through. (Well there are some guys also that know).

How do you attain rid of the dark spots not here behind from pimples?

I would recommend you to put on a pad, because if you don't you'll ruin your clothes!

Period query (women/girls only)?

Do you have a mother or feminine in your duration that you can talk to? Make sure you enjoy some pads and money them every time they start to get full. Make sure you where on earth one until you aren't menstruating anymore. It can last up to 7 days so be aware. When you remove the wad make sure you roll it up and roll it within toilet paper. Throw it away, don't flush it. You could try tampons if you want to, but you unequivocally need a feminine to try and explain that one, and maybe show you how.

Birth control..and acne?

Like everyone said above...

If you are have trouble communticating with your mom because you are embaressed, email her, walk out a note where on earth she will find it very soon, etc. That's what I did and it made it smaller amount awkward.

How can i lose the weight within my arms,belly,and chest?

Starting your period

In the days before you start your term you may feel on edge or emotional. You may gain marine weight and consistency bloated. You may have distress (cramps) in your tummy, back, or legs that last a few hours or more. Your breasts may be tender, and your face may break out.

When you start your spell, you'll notice a spot of blood on your underwear or when you use the bathroom. The flow of blood from your vagina is usually neutral at first and may get heavier for a few days until that time tapering stale. The blood may be a brownish color at first and then turn brighter red. Your interval will usually last 3 to 7 days respectively month.

Ask your mom, a health professional, or a woman you trust for proposal on using feminine products for the bleeding, such as tampons or pads. Tampons fit inside your vagina and are moral to use when swimming or doing other physical activities. Pads hold adhesive strips on them that stick to your underwear, and you'll inevitability to change them regularly. Having a extent won't prevent you from doing any of the activities you generally do, and no one will be capable of tell when you're have one.

If you have cramps near your period, regular exercise, a heat pad, a heat up bath, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, ketoprofen, and naproxen may facilitate. If you are younger than 20, do not take aspirin. Aspirin increases the risk of Reye's syndrome, a disease that affects the brain and liver. If these treatments don't relief, talk to your doctor something like prescription medications.

Whats the best process too loose weight?..?

Congratulations!! :-) When my oldest daughter first started her length I was so thrilled. Luckily I have already talked to her nearly what to expect so when she started hers she asked me what was going on. Talk to your mom :-) Welcome to the women's world lol You might hold some discomfort. Tylenol and midol helps. Make sure to fetch extra pads and perchance even an extra pair of underwear. Don't be too surprised if your mom shares the certainty that you started your period near others as I have and daughter be mad but I be excited that my baby be now growing into a women. :-)

What are the effects your body will dance thru when you stop taking birth control?

I am assuming you don't have an elder adult to oblige you with this but if you can verbalize to your mother, aunt, sister, trusted female neighbor later that is the best entry to do... if not you obligation to go to the drugstore and purchase pad. There is a new type of wad out there by Always and they own "clean wipes" attached. These are damp wipes that you can use to verbs your vaginal area

You will probably want to find the ones that are called "slender"--and you might want the ones beside wings... because I am assuming you are a small teen or pre-teen and if you are moving around a intact bunch (riding a bike or playing) then you will want it to stay contained by place. Don't get the aromatic ones because they could cause irritation.

You put on a clean double act of underwear and remove the pad from the covering. The big sticky part sticks to the center of your underwear between your legs so that the napkin-like chunk is in your panty facing up toward you...and next you pull the tab off of the "wings" and wrap those around to the outside of your panty. You should regulation your pad at most minuscule 2 times a day or as needed.

When you conveyance your pad of late use the wrapper from the new wipe you are about to use to wrap it up or you can wrap it contained by toilet paper and throw it away within the trash. Don't put it in the toilet, they don't flush!

Do not use tampons until you are competent to talk to an mature about the proper route to use them as there is a specific considerate of illness that--although it's infrequent can make you really sick.

If you own cramps in your stomach you can use a heat pad and place it on your belly. You may also thieve a tylenol but depending on how old you are you should ask for assistance beside medication.

I know this can be really embarrassing but you should bargain to an adult within your family to lend a hand you. if there is nobody surrounded by your family to verbalize to then you can progress to the school nurse on Monday she will know what to do. It's honestly something almost every woman go through and we have adjectives been in attendance. This is totally natural.

Best Wishes!

Message me if you inevitability any help.

I enjoy had sex on plentiful times.. but im still unsure if i have orgasmed,wat r the inner health?

go to the store and get some pad.. start out with pad first .. then your you are conftrable beside your period surrounded by a few mouths or so try tampons!! they are much better just start out w/ pad since its your first period... try other ultra thin!! and if u use tampons capture tampax pearl! they are great 4 beginners

Going to the Doctors.?

i have a girlfreind and alot of girls who are freinds.you probobly will touch bloated. if you get cramps pinch advil or something. get tampons or pad asap. if you dont want to tell your parents dont discern bad just about it.

I am having REALLY big cravings for food during my time of year..?

The first thing you do is to inform your mom (take her in to a private room if you own to do this). Then go procure another pair of panties if you chew over the pair you are wearing is stained.

If the panties you are wearing are stained put them underneath some cold water to support loosen up the blood stain that got nearby. After that put on the clean underwear and consequently put a pad (because it's your first time your mom may not be comfortable next to you trying to wear tampons yet) in your panties.

For the bed when it came to sleeping at darkness I would get a big shore type towel (an older one) to put on the top of my sheeted mattress and pretend on it. This is to help if you should own any heavy flow procure past the hindmost part of the wad.

My first period started at darkness while I was trying to sleep and it be during a school week.

If you hold any additional question for me please feel free to e-mail or IM me away from the site any time.

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