Can dogs smell you when your on your time of year through your jeans or something?

Or am I being paranoid?

Pregnancy Test?

I have distinctly noticed that my dog is particularly attached to that nouns when ever I am on the rag. He even does it to my girlfriends when they come over and it's their time. I'm sure there is some sort of scent that they pick up on.

What be this?

They must be capable of.. because when i have mine, my dog is glued to me pretty much.
She other has her nose and my friends dog, is approaching always jumping up on me.

What happen beside i wear a tampon...?

They can, but unless the dog is extremely excitable, or already overstimulated, they won't take action too strongly.

Changes after coming rotten the pill?

It's said that dogs can smell with 200 times the ability of a human being. So, I imagine they could detect that.

Why am I other SO hungry?

Yes because they can smell the blood.

Why is this?

Probably yes.

It really really burns.?

Yeah...its hilarious

Is Botox for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) undisruptive during pregnancy?

They may, they enjoy very good senses.

HELP! i in recent times requirement to no!?

thats a devout question..yes thean can smell blood..its ok though.


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  • My time of year is more than 10 days in arrears, preg. trial refusal. What the hell is going on?

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