Whats the effortless remedy to stop painful period?

i usually get alot of agony in my abdomain nouns and also stomach crumps the second day of my period. what can i do to avoid these pains?.

Metabolism process thing?

buy feminax they are brilliant any chemist sell them.

Has anyone ever sweated after a hysterectomy?

evening primrose oils really help me a lot, you can bring in the crude section of any store... steal 4 pills every day

Baby Weight?

get pregnant.

GIRLS ONLY! girls if we're surrounded by a NO RULES fight beside a guy whats the best way 2 distract him after hurt him bad

definately feminax! they're brill and a hot water bottle on your tummy does wonders!

Why do i keep hold of getting sharp pains in my pelvic area around my ovaries?

Hard physical exercise is apposite for cramps, Honestly try it.
Failing that get one of those charcoal grill pads, they work and second for up to 8 hours, just skin of the backing and stick along your lower tummy

I feel sick everytime I chomp through. What is wrong with me?

You have need of to see a dr for this to rule out things like endometriosis which can motivation painful period bad plenty to function on a daily argument if this is going on with you.

If they are not you can try things approaching Midol which is over the counter. Check with your dr for optional ideas.

Burning pee after sex? Help!!?

Nurofen are well brought-up a hot water bottle also ease the pain ask you local pharmacist they will know how to advise you

Can a woman find any bug or virus from wearing a used bra?

Hot water bottle applied to nouns of pain.

Accidental exlax during 1st trimester?

Smoke a reciprocal - Queen Victoria did it and i know women who use this slightly alternatine method.

Foe women/ girls?

Heat is great for stomach cramps - try a hot bath/hot water bottle they even vend heat pad you can stick on you underneath your clothes - you can even wear to work/school! If your periods are really prickly have a chat near your doctor and he/she will prescibe you anti-inflammatories tablets which were a godsend to me as I suffered so discouraging with stomach cramps I be often sick next to the pain. Some family recommend light exercise but I found that made the cramps worse.

Does not have a period every month anticipate that I didn't ovulate?

The best tip I can give to you save for to drink pain pills is to give somebody a lift a bottle of warm hose down and put it on the place where it hurts the most. By keeping yourself still at the times of the anguish. And to keep a blanket over yourself. It usually worked for me. Good luck!

Underarm sweat problems.?

Take the pill and cart it for 3 packets at a time in need a break then you solitary get 4 period a year - I do its great the best thing I hav ever done and I own found that they have ease up when I do have them. I enjoy done this with the support of my Doctor.

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speaking by experience and experiences of my sisters, this may be not an confident remedy as u'd asked but we found that exercise helps. person active help. i'd stopped having scratchy periods when i'd started doing some yoga and aerobics. exercise is fundamentally good for you.

Is it right to start your extent and then not own one the third month?

do it the natural mode, (without taking pills and such) add more ginger into your diet. the Chinese regularly chomp through ginger and I've never seen a Chinese girl draw from period cramps, unless she have a family history of cramps or on a treatment. ginger does wonders.

i eat lots of ginger near either fish and chicken and i never achieve cramps. once i stopped eating them, my cramps come back

you dont have to help yourself to it raw. cook it beside something like fish and chicken

Plz comfort its serious?

regular sexlife!

Cycle question!?

i suffered for uncomfortable menstrul cramps and heavy bleeding adjectives my life,please take it checked out as its not normal.yes feminax is polite but if it dosent help your doctor can contribute you something.

Do you still need a pap smear after you hold had a hysterectomy?

my period used to be sooo bad, i'd throw up. My mum put me on the pill and i aint have so much as a pain since. It doesn't work for every one but it is worth a try... if gentle exercise and a hot sea bottle :)

Drinking alot of water. kind ur period slow down for the week?

I suffered beside painful period and i bought feminax they cost about lb6 something and they are brill, my daughter have had to be in motion on the mini pill because her periods be so heavy and rough and she's fine now

Emergency give a hand pleaseee!!!!!!!!?

i used to get discouraging period pains along next to odd period until i went on the pill and its other been really honest since then near the odd month of pain
ruminate about it?
im on logynon and its great and hasnt made me put on mass!

good luck

Why do these girl condoms burn my g-f and I?

i don't know if this true but apparently exercise help to prevent cramps and soreness around the abdominal area.

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