Male gyenacologist? are you confortable?

One of my friend (guy) is going to be a gyenacologist.

I tell him that its not for him and girls would be humiliated with him places!

Does anyone enjoy male gyenacologist? and would u be comfortable?

Personally...i reflect yes!

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i have a sneaking suspicion that its really insulting that all these people would NEVER use a manly gynocologist. thats so sexist. gynocology is a medical profesion, and doctors dont deserve to be discriminated against and deemed potential pervs and rapists, theyre of late doing theyre job! how irrational and artery would you have to be to reflect that a person who is medicaly trained to do business with feminine genitalia, and spends 40 hours a week looking at them, would get the uncontrolable urge to initiate sex while looking at your diseased vagina and conversation about your discharge!

most women be aware of slightly uncomfortable almost the gynocologist, but never seeing a man because 'he doesnt know what its like to hold a vagina' is like anyone a cancer patient who will just be seen by doctors who enjoy or have have cancer. its ridiculous!

also, if you were a pervert, i'm sure you wouldnt bother going through years of medical conservatory so you can look at 'vaginas with problems' etc lol

Ok. I really stipulation some advice from women.. Guys are anything if you know what your talking give or take a few..?

I would be EXTREMELY nervous.

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Personally, I would be fairly nervous. At matching time I think it's VERY interesting you ask such a request for information.

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I would absolutly not be comfortable. I hear stories roughly speaking things like this that own scared me to extermination. I would totally leave if I found he be a man.

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Absolutely not. I will and enjoy always gone to a woman. For one piece, he will never understand the backache or discomfort we can experience. How can he sympathize? Secondly, some men, (yes SOME men) find this a fantasy and find turned on by this (the doctor fantasy). I have hear of many, masses stories where women be taken advantage of, including intercourse. Laying on a "bed" next to your legs spread open while a man is examining you is a exceptionally vulnerable place to be. There is no opening I would allow that.

Don't be ignorant - it is not a issue of being sexist, it is a thing of being SAFE. If you choose to see a mannish that is your personal nouns, and that's fine. But don't call others here "sexist" when we are merely concerned and uncomfortable next to the idea. I grasp a female nurse may be present, but who know what he may be thinking in his mind? Men are visual. Is it possible for him to exam an attractive woman and NOT be aroused? Even if it is medical? I don't know. Depends on the man. Personally, I wouldn't want to be within to find out.

I was physical beside my boyfriend but due to some reasons we have a break up. i'm getting married?

If he was a doctor for males,I mull over they wouldn't be shy or anything.

I would NEVER go to a manly gyno. EVER. They're right-people get raped and molested this path.

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There are lots of male gynecologists. There's more manly than female where on earth I live. I've always gone to a manly, though I did go to a feminine general practitioner once for an exam. It doesn't thing to me whether they're male or womanly. I care just about the knowledge, skill, and expertise. One masculine gynecologist I absolutely despised, the other one was my in your favour angel for the illness I have.

Well actually, I do prefer a manly when it comes to the exam, a woman doing a pelvic exam on me, no thanks.

Help.. My sister is blood pressure tolerant .So tell three things to use instead of Salt .?

i havent have to go to one but neither formulate me feel comfortable at the thought of it but i would not see a man..sorry, i agree beside the answerer above me but for me it's a personal issue x

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I hold had several masculine doctors check "down there" .During these visits the feminine MA is always present. They stand bringing up the rear the Doctor and observe. I enjoy recently picked a mannish gyno that was recommended to me by another feminine. I feel that i can ask him anything.

Ehh Periods :/?

I own a male gynecologist, and I wouldn't enjoy it any other way! I grain much more comfortable with a man than a woman. IT is concrete to explain why. But yes, your friend shoudl do it. Plenty of women go to mannish ob-gyns all the time.

BesT WisheS! Good luck to him!

This week i own been really sick have bad dreams and wake up hot and nauseus in the middle of the darkness?

I have have both male and feminine gynocologists. To be honest, there be usually less distress involved with a masculine doctor, maybe because he have never had that thoughtful of exam but was sure it be uncomfortable so be careful. I don't really know. There is ALWAYS a womanly nurse in the room during the exam, you should never be alone beside a male doctor, so at hand is no worries about anything unlawful scheduled. Both male and feminine have gone through alike schooling, are both knowledgable in that field. So really, it's in recent times a personal preference.

akward topicdischarge?

I enjoy two favorite gynecologists in a practice of 6 doctors... one is womanly, one is male. I'm not at adjectives uncomfortable next to him, as he was my hero when I have a miscarriage. He's extrememly compassionate and his bedside manner is awesome.

While pregnant, the patients must be see by every doctor in the practice where on earth I go. There are 3 males, 2 females. (One of the male doctors doesn't practice OB anymore.) I have absolutely no problems, be never uncomfortable. As long as they accomplishment professionally, there is nought wrong with a manly gyn.

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I've have a female gyno and a manly one. Honestly, I was more comfy w/the womanly. Because I could talk to her and feel like she could relate. But both be professional so neither was a doomed to failure experience. But if I had to choose, I would stir w/a female one first. Really depends on what make you comfy.

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