What kind of cyst, located on an ovary, would warrent a doctor to want to remove that ovary? and why?

I hold be told that I hold a cyst on one of my ovaries (detected by ultrasound), and hold be told by my OBGYN that I will hold to enjoy that ovary removed. I do believe that here is a bit of blemish tissue located around that ovary and that tube... anyone beside experience or TRUE design, as to why I inevitability to enjoy the ovary its self removed; instead of the cyst, would comfort me out profoundly beside my judgment, and would support me to lecture myself a short time more....

Thanks a boss of time... Im losing seriously of sleep over the deficiency of rearing on this topic, and worrying myself to annihilation!!!

But would love to know if anyone else out near is in a minute or have ever gone through this one, or have hear of this "crucial removal" of the ovary because of a cyst!! ty ty ty ty

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Having one cyst is not even remotely indicative of a diagnosis of polycystic ovarian disease.

As for your give somebody the third degree, I answered within your post...see that response re: endometriomas and treatment.

Good luck to you.

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Yes. I have matching problem. Genetics give you a disorder call Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
(PCOS). Your artificial ovary will preserve producing more cysts even if they are removed. That's why they want to remove it. There should be a pattern site out near for this problem.

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Ask your doctor. They owe you answers to your question. Don't be intimdated to ask! And cart a friend next to you to run transcription. You could attain a 2nd belief, too. I have a grapefruit sized cyst and didn't know it until it twisted around and cut stale the blood supply to my fallopian tube. It terminated up one emergency surgery and I be surrounded by the hospital for 10 days. they don't want this to transpire to you--this is why they are probably encouraging you to enjoy the surgery soon. Good luck.

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the first article that i can ask you is how hoary are you do you hold children? ive have 3 surgeries within smaller quantity than 1 year ive have 2 laproscopic surgeries to remove significant cysts and blotch tissue and a short time ago one week ago i have my disappeared ovary removed. i would try to see if have a experimental laparotemy done to see if is really critical to own the ovary removed i have a cyst that be larger than a softball grow witjin smaller quantity than 4 months .Do yo run a birth control pill becuz they say aloud that will comfort near some cysts ..I guess i can really singular voice second view beforehand you hold your ovary removed. i'm not a religious human being but purely pray that it wil be ok. I can deduce the sleepness night becuz i'm waiting to see what my pathology results are to be paid sure nearby are no signs of cancer i dont enjoy alot of answers but i hope everything go resourcefully for you

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