Does masturbation??..women lone?

..cause the libia to be larger/longer... whenever i masturbate i always use my right mitt...i have always wonders why one of the libia flap (or doesn`t matter what you call it) is much much longer tham the other i mean similar to 2inches..and it is the right one(on the right side)...has my masturbating caused this?? serious answers please

Answers:    No not at adjectives, every womens private parts are different in size and shape, So dont worry, preserve masturbating. .
Arousal causes the tissues surrounding the vagina to become engorged with blood so some swelling is to be expected, but maybe not to the extent that you describe.

Have a look when you are not masturbating to get a true measure of the difference. Your vagina is imaginative to you and like most areas of the body it is not symmetrical, it is perfectly run of the mill to have differences like this (in equal way most women have one boob bigger than the other)

If this is cause you distress visit your GP for a second opinion. It most indeed be nothing to worry in the region of but the emotional distress it causes could be set to that you are referred to a cosmetic surgeon. This would be a last resort and only offered if the problem be serious. Look out for the programme on channel 4 on sunday 17th august called The Perfect Vagina which should gossip about such issues and give information around the surgery.
no masturbation isn't the cause of this , it's normal to hold one longer than the other , if it is irritating in any way you might know how to have surgery to get it shortened . nope, it's a short time ago the way you are :)

but i know that regularly stretching (pulling) on them can make them longer, so if you verbs regularly on one of them then that will have made it longer.
i dont see any purpose that masturbation would cause your labia to grow. if it continues to get larger i would see your doctor. Its not masturbation.
Its justa colloquial thing, its probably always be like that, every girl is different..
No it has not cause your labia to grow, it is just growing, its completely normal and you own nothing to worry more or less! masturbation wont have caused it-its only just the way you are..
No. You are fine. I have a friend that is to say the same way. Its ok. I used to wonder that too but found out it's not true. You lately have big flaps like myself..
no! unsurprisingly not, it's the way it is, if your worried, see your GP. no that not coz of masturbation .
yes, you have worn it out !

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