What causes ovary misery, lower abdominal and back discomfort?

I had the coil removed at commencing of January and became pregnant straight away but I also started suffering from Ovary agony on Right side and a really bad subsidise and abdominal pain, I did miscarry at 12 weeks and have to have D&C but since afterwards have have two periods. The problem is I still suffer from adjectives the pain and it never ends, its adjectives month I can't stand or walk for long as the pay for pain is so bleak, the pain isn't so fruitless during my period but they are no holiday. I enjoy been to the doctor and he didn't consistency anything around my Ovary and I have an appointment to see him again on Monday, am I worrying for zilch or over reacting going on for what the outcome maybe, I am envisioning hysterectomies and I'm singular 34 and want more children (I have a fourteen year old). Has anyone have the same problem and if so what be the outcome?

..girls question?

OK. Don't freak out. The elderly saying within medicine is, "When you hear thundering hooves, feel horses, not zebras." Basically this means you consider more simple problems up to that time complex ones. So let's not walk jumping to the cancer conclusion only yet, shall we? Up to this point near is no direct evidence to support such an assessment anyway.

There are any number of things that may be causing your cramp. The female reproductive system is prone to a together lot of problems. It could be Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or endometriosis. I couldn't help but spy, however, that you said you just have an IUD removed. This can cause complications contained by and of itself, which you may be experiencing now.

Possible but special complications of IUD use are damage to the uterus, fallopian tube infection, and ectopic pregnancy. All of these could produce the symptoms you are have.

Remember, think horses. Your doctor will know how to tell you more on Monday.

Red bump on vaginia?

not to panic u butIT SOUND LIKE u have ovary cancer


It possibly poly cystic ovaries i would go to you doctor and ask for a an exam i dont deliberate you should be worrying about hysterectomys or idiots maxim its cancer its probly somthing simple maybe even an infection of the womb .

Does it hert when you own sex for the first time?

You could have a uterin fibroid or an ovarian cyst. Typically an ultrasound, CT scan or MRI could unquestionably say one approach or the other. You may have have an improperly done D & C (seeing as that be the start of the pain). You could also have a kidney infection going on since you vote it's lower abdominal and back. Drink more river and see if it improves. Plus a urinalysis and blood work could transmit more.

Problems with anguish in bed?

Please dont be alarmed by people here unfolding you about ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a silent murderer because it causes no agony.
And because you were competent to get pregnant so not long, this is probably a minor problem. Perhaps an ovarian cyst or infection from your miscarriage.
It could also be PID caused by the coil. Pelvic inflammatory disease sounds worse than it is. a course of anti-biotics will clear it up in the blink of an eye.
Your doctor should refer you for an ultrasound.
Good luck

Stupidd period?


First time back needed please?

please ignore the stupid cancer answer the idiot!
try not to verbs hun i no this doesnt help but listen to idiots on here will make u worse
dutiful luck

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Hi, please humiliate the cancer comment. It is said to alarm you. I have endometriosis and it sounds terribly much like that. Though adhesion can also cause impossible to tell apart sort of pain. This is a sort of where on earth some of your insides stick together due to scarring through inflamation.
Really, keep going to your doc until you bring an answer.

Help getting rid of my stomach?

I had a D&C the close of April and ever since then enjoy experienced "cramping" on a daily principle. It is not always present, but I'd sayat lowest possible 75% of the time, I have it. It's not other really bad but whe its near, I know it. I have fibroids and polyps and cysts on my ovaries. I am planned for hysterectomy on the 11th. Best of luck!

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