First time relieve needed please?

I had sex for the first time on the 6th april used a condom and as far as i'm aware nil went wrong he is a thoroughly experienced condom user. I had a regular period on the 12th april as i expected. Is here any chance i could still be pregnant? i'm worried sick incase i could be


Vaginal coil, sex,vaginoplasty, pelvic floor reconstruction, or hysterectomy-open to masculine and female responses

don't own sex if you are that stressed out about it.

Why have my period be going on for over a month?

If you used a wont be pregnet! If you have your arent pregnet! If you SKIP your period...consequently your pregnet!

I think i'm man cheated?

Although some women have a extent the first month of their pregnancy, it is unlikely this has happen to you. Usually, even though the period does go off, it is noticeably lighter and shorter, tipping past its sell-by date the woman that something is different.
To ease your verbs, go to the pharmacy and catch a pregnancy kit and check it for yourself. No want to worry yourself resembling this. Condoms are effective unless here is a mishap.

Whats wrong with me?

Question 1. be you on the pill?

Answer: if you stress yourself out your body will probably have a slow period and afterwards you'll REALLY be stressed out. You need to be on birthcontrol. But remember even next to all the things that you can do the singular 100% effective channel to stay not prego. is to not have sex.
It's a honest thing you're worried, this mode you're not ready to be a mom, so I don`t know you might want to reconcider having sex until you can switch all of the things that come next to it.
PLUS if you get on the pill you obligation to take it for a min. of 2 weeks past you are even protected by it.
Sex is a nasty little winter sport that can have some intensely big fall outs. Be scant and ~Good Luck~

Is there a contraceptive out here that also stops your periods?

no your ok...merely go to a doctoe and ask in the order of it or look on the internet!? good luck

Does a woman's body quality different when it ovulates?

Honey, I'm pretty sure you are not pregnant. Using a condom and having a time of year is about 98% sure. If you are going to verbs to have sex, I strongly urge you to turn on an oral contraceptive, like the pill. A condom can other break and it is not even 95% effective. Since you wrote that your partner is a awfully experienced condom user, PLEASE continue to use a condom, even if you are on the pill. Having a STD can be as discouraging as being pregnant and I can solitary assume that your partner has have a lot of partner already. Whomever he has slept near in days gone by, you are now also sleeping near, so to speak. I hope this helps and look out

Periods - can someone help me here?

No Way. You own had your spell after your sexual encounter.

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