Why is my period so irregular? And what helps cramps?

I own have my interval since I be in the region of 9. Im 15 immediately. My term vary when it comes every month. Its not resembling a consistent number of a days every month. Also since I start my term I own really really discouraging cramps and I own them the first couple of days of my spell. Midol seem to work the best for me out of the other pills resembling pamprin and stuff. But it take resembling 1 hour or so to in actual fact see it. I really abominate cramps. Sometimes I even hold to stay home or budge home precipitate from university because my cramps hurt so impossible. By the mode im still a virgin. I kno birth control help beside your term but my mother doesnt want me to be on that because she say here are some condition risks and i should dawdle till im a moment or two elder for the pill.

period request for information?

So sorry to hear you own problems beside your cycle ,since it have other sundry when it comes that is to say your regular cycle .Keep a journal of when it comes and stops every month for six months ,you should see some sort of a shape even if the days aren't impossible to tell apart respectively month. As for the cramps try hot baths and heat pad hot chocolate ,it help. When you start to grain resembling your cycle is roughly speaking to come down preferably the morning since it starts pinch a Midol Complete within the blue box it works for adjectives pains associated beside your cycle and bloating, PMS everything. Your cycle is not irregular explicitly a regular cycle for you .It won't be a problem until you are all set to enjoy kids and even consequently if you hold up beside the days you start and the days you stop it won't be one afterwards. Hope this help.


ask your parents if you could travel on birth control. reassure them that you are not sexually alive.
the pill will control your extent and abet bring rid of cramps because it regulates everything.

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ive if truth be told hear bananas facilitate term cramps.. hmm..

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it seem your merely recounting a story.
sorry you started your time of year hasty that sucks.

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About a week earlier you start you should stay bad adjectives sodas. Cut course down on sugars. This will particularly oblige the cramping. Stress affects our period also. And if you are around slot of girls them starting at different times sometimes messes near when you will start.

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The pill is really your best bet. My time of year be and still munificent of is especially irregular. The pill doesn't really hold that bleak of robustness risks they are mostly really fruitless if you smoke.

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you're still babyish even so, your term will regulate soon though. as for the cramps it could be various reason why they are desperate (cysts on yoour ovaries, endrioemetriosis, etc..) if they return with that impossible you should see a gynecologist. at hand are not plentiful vigour risks for the pill... the individual one that i am aware is for the shot which make u lose closely of calcium.

Good Luck near everything though!

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well when you hold cramps try putting a towel in the dryer for 2 minutes consequently lift out fold it and put it o your stomach and press it

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It's outstandingly mundane for a younger girl's time of year to be irregular. Mine be irregular even after glorious arts school. Cramps suck, right? I embezzle Ibuprofen for mine, that seem to work the best. You can try a hot wipe on your hindmost or tummy or nick a hot hip bath. Sometimes my husband massage my tummy for me and that help greatly, you can ask your mom to do this for you or use a foot held massager. A lot of women utter exercise help their cramps, so if you be aware of up to it you might try that. Hang surrounded by in attendance, you are not alone!
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