Virgin.. Brown bleeding no time of year yet serve!?

Hi i'm 19 and me and my boyfriend wanna keep our virginity till we obtain married so he sometimes ejaculates on my breasts and and sometimes by rubbing on my clitoris and ejaculate on my stomache. I had my second period on 12 may 2007 and yesterday on 9 june i have light bleeding coloured gloom brown i thought i had my period but it stopped i'm very worried. Could i be pregnant? Can the pre clear coloured put together me pregnant? Please help i'm so worried! Thanks

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It is best to check with a doctor. Yes, the pre-ejaculate can sometimes contain sperm and yes, if it have come in contact near the vaginal opening (even short going in) it is a slight chance you may capture pregnant. I know I will get a bombardment of attacks from this, but it is better to be safe than sorry, ya know? Check near your doctor to know for certain. Your dr. can also detail you ways to make sure that you are sheltered while still being competent to experience pleasure with your partner. He/she can also check to see if you own anything else going on with you that might be cause changes beside your period. With you self young, you can and probably will hold changes surrounded by flow and coloration from time to time, which is perfectly conventional. When I was your age in that were times when it would appear brown, which is more than feasible just the outdated lining of your uterus human being shed, and then renovation to bright red. Also, there be times it would be light flow and brown and later stop only to start hindmost with a retribution a few days later. You may be worried over nil, but it truly is better to see your doctor to know for sure...and your dr. can let you know what to expect within the future as capably. Good luck and I commend you on your discipline and decision to stay a virgin.

(By the track, I started writing this a couple of hours ago, but got stopped by a long distance phone christen. I apologize if I have said equal things as someone else now since I own been on the phone.)

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If it never go in or made contact ur fine. On ur stomick is not gonna do the trick. Stress is probably why. Your ok newly give it some time. And method to go on keeping it guys..Date set but?

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The brown bleeding probably is your extent. Blood can be different colours. It's not other bright red. But yes, pre-ejaculation can make you pregnant...but singular if you have have intercourse (which it doesn't sound resembling you have, since you said you are keeping your virginity). There's singular a very, tremendously minute chance that pre-ejaculation could work its agency up into your vagina if your boyfriend orgasmed on your breasts or your stomach.

Cervical fluid? missing pillsHELP?

As long as t he ejaculate did not enter your vaginal canal, you are secure.

Brown colored bleeding happens from time to time, it is sometimes associated near health change.

Best bet is to see your doctor.

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FROM:SHAWN for more info email me at [email protected]

Um my friend hasn't gotten her spell and she asked if she could still use a tampon? Help!?

dude if u din't hab sex u arent pregnant.

I think I hold vaginismus. Will getting drunk work too cure it? I'd like to hear ne other cures as ably.?

Ok, first of all, have your boyfriend penetrated you at all? Or do you provide him a hand duty and he cums all over you? If he does not break into you with his penis, afterwards you have nought to worry roughly speaking. If he has penetrated you, after you both have lost your virginity, he have had some pre- inside you, withdraw and ejaculated on your body, you could be pregnant. That have happened to me when I be younger then you. The poorly lit brown could be your period trying to start. You are so stressed out and your body knows it. I would buy a twin pack of a home pregnancy audition. Take one and if it is negative (not pregnant) try it again almost a week later. If you are pregnant, after you both have some serious thinking and serious discussion ahead of you. I hope this is someone you really love and would want to spend the rest of your vivacity with. If you are not pregnant, next count yourself lucky, invest in some really good condoms and use them! I am remarkably familiar beside teenage hormones, and do not expect you two to "abstain". Just know that a guy pre-cums in the past he ejaculates and the annul method does not work!

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