Help on the pill?

im 18 years old and i hold really long and heavy period , im thinking about going on the pill to support control them what are the side effects ??


Answers:    you would benefit from person on the pill to control your periods, i enjoy been on the pill for years and hold never had any problems, some enunciate that some pills can make you gain substance but i am on one called yasmin which my doctor said it if truth be told helps next to weight loss but i havent lost any while on it!
don't ask us, discuss it near your doctor i found the pill gave me headache and i was useless at remembering to purloin it!!
you can put on weight The pill have different effects on everyone to be honest! I suffer from terrible mood swings, but that doesnt be going to that you will! U also have to remember that in attendance are several different pills, and each of them will enjoy a diff effect! Finally, the pill doesnt always work within controlling periods! I am still deeply heavy, and finishing for 8 days! The only article is i know exactly when i am due on, nearly to the hour! Hope this gives some theory!
All the pills can cause side effects, it doesnt necessarily plan you will get them though. Ive never have any side effects from mine.

Your gp can advise you which is the best for you, he will basically need to enjoy a chat with you in the order of your cycle and he can determine which is best for you.
Because it affects your hormones, there is no definative answer. In certainty the downside of all pills is that because every person's body is unique you can never be 100% how someone will act in response to it. There are sort of categories of side effects however. It depends what you would be most concerned in the order of. People tend to freak out about pills that can worsen acne, and those which can create you put on weight. Dianette and Yasmin are perfect if you suffer from acne because they make your skin clear up. But near are other particular pills that are desperate if you are overweight/prone to putting on weight. Then some distribute you headaches/migranes and some really affect your mood. Unfortunately many produce a mixture of side effects and you recurrently need to try several until you find one thats right for you. I've basically been on the Dianette pill for 2 months- cleared my skin and period are light and relatively painless, but the side effects are: headache, breast tenderness within first month, VERY moody, abs no sex drive anymore :'(! But do discuss it thoroughly with your doctor and produce sure she tells you as much and contained by as much detail as you need formerly you are sure. Good luck If you are going on the pill for reasons except contraception, you need to weigh up the risk benefit ratio.

the risks and side effects are similar for adjectives combined pills. Go to Press ' Enter the eMC'. Type any pill name within to the search (e.g. Marvelon). Press SPC to pick up a copy of the full data sheet.

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