How can i take rid of sunburn ?
How many times a sunshine should u w ash your ___parts?
Living in Guam for three years... Try this....
Take some Motrin to help dwindle Swealing...
Get the spray dermoplast! SPRAY ALL OVER YOUR BURN!
This will numb your skin making the bath hose not hurt. It will also speed up the healing time... This is also a great spray for after you have a baby and own stitches! I also have three children....
You don't enjoy to do this but it will pull the burn out....
consequently take a Cool tub in Baking Soda and Vinegar it pulls out the boil.
Other remedies...
Aloe in the fridge
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DO NOT put lotion on if it is a fresh sunburn because it wil only trap the steam in and net it worse. Try that aloe vera gel cooling stuff. It feels great! Only time will restore to health it.You cannot get rid of sunburn. The best you can do is use an aloe vera base lotion on your skin to help hold on to it moist. Be sure to use sunscreen anytime you are outside or use a tanning bed. You are increasing your risk of skin cancer by not using it and skin cancer doesn't care how elderly or young you are; It kill teenagers as well as elder people.
Aloe Vera gel heals and cools past its sell-by date sunburns.
Is there anyway to shave down in that, and it wont' hurt?
aloeFirst Aid section of a wal-mart or where on earth ever...
Product: Solarcaine Spray
This stuff will take the fire out, hang on to the skin from drying out & help it alleviate, it has aloe surrounded by it....
aloe usually helps the burning hunch and prevents peeling the flush usually just take time
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