Womens robustness assistance! - thrush?

Hi all!

I been itching down below on and past its sell-by date for ages. I finally built up the courage to go to the doctor 2 months ago and she told me I most likely own thrush. She didn't do any tests or anything - she didnt even do an examination -just go on what I told her, tho I had a smear test done a few months formerly this and the nurse did not mention anything abnormal. The doctor prescribed me Canesten Pessary and it didn't seem to work at adjectives, it maybe worked for a week or so at most.

I phoned and got a prescription for the tablet interpretation and was given diflucan and took and took this yesterday.

Thing is I'm worried if it doesn't work. - I know I'll have to travel back to the doc but what else could be wrong? - I dont really have greatly of discharge and it is white/cream in colour, no smell. Externally it can get really itchy and it is a bit red and swollen. (Gross i know!)

I've be with my partner for a year and I am his first sexual partner but before we get together I had other sexual partners and I hold never been tested for STI's. Do my symptoms sound within line with any STI's (dread to think).

Thanks so much for any abet, please be nice I'm going out of my mind!


Answers:    As someone who has had cyclical thrush for many years - the Diflucan tablet will probably do the trick and you can buy this over the counter at the pharmacy so it is readily on hand. It could be that your hormonal move each month is causing the yeast infection to grow - dont be so worried that it is an STI because within are many factors as to why you could be getting cyclical thrush. After I had my daughter I had thrush really fruitless for 12 months and it was my hormone balance. This continued on and stale for many years, as periods happen each month and it can make your duration so miserable. After a hysterectomy, I didn't get so troubled with thrush. Now I find that getting stressed roughly something can bring on thrush..
It might be bacterial vaginosis as that sometimes doesn't smell or
Trichomonas vaginalis which does smell.
Whichever, your partner needs treating as well to prevent reinfection

It would be best to find yourself(and him) down to the sexual health clinic for a confidential test for std of late to put your mind at rest..
Do you use condoms? You may be allergic. We used them on and off for years but I suddenlt had a bleak reaction. The symptoms were exactly how you described. It in actuality kicked off thrush but once that was gone the other symptoms you describe be left. Try to sit in a brackish bath, and try lanocaine to reduce the swelling and look for hypo allergenic condoms. Good Luck its a horrible, sore and heated time x ahhh sound slike thrush its awful isnt it? last time i have it i had to take two tablets use a full tube of cream and use yogurt n it cleared up after two weeks sooo bad i was within agony with it. dont worry going on for it i kno easier said than done but try the tablet and go from there b4 u kno it it would of gone!
well-mannered luck
Awe you poor soul, it sounds like thrush to me, i get it when im on anti-biotics. It drives me round the bend. The canestan combi i find apt its a pessary and the cream. Maybe you should go back to the doctor thought...Good luck It's probably a yeast inection /thrush. Try monistat. Good luck.
Have you ever be tested for STI's? Maybe an idea to get tested to rule that out aswell. achieve tested just to be safe.but wut i would do is win a second opinion.go to another doctor.
if its really bleak thrush, they could give you antibiotics, but give the pill time to work. i am a fellow sufferer and buy the canesten duo fro the pharmacy, the pill and cream. it other works but can take a few days to feel better. its possible it could be an allergic response to something, fabric softener etc, or a shower cream? always use unscented similar to femfresh, it really helps me. natural yoghurt is also upright for relieving the itching and soreness caused by the necessary scratch that occurs! Good luck!x If the medications don't work, and it specifically is thrust, you might want to try one of the non-drugstore medication methods. Monostat and Canesten never worked for me, in fact, they other made my cases worse! (I used to get thrush every month or so, it really sucked.) So, I switched to home remedies.
My favorite is garlic. It clears it right up. Another option is plain, unflavored yogurt.

Check it out here:
It could be coupled with sex, I went through a stage where on earth I kept getting thrush through too much sex. Check with your bf to see if his privates are ok cos you can catch it, so you could literally be ratification it back and forth to each other.
Also, I know it sounds gross, but stop using soap for a while to valet down there with. It's an irritant. Don't douche any, just use cool water. Wear cotton knickers too, thongs and synthetic materials can aggrivate you nearby leading to thrush.

The canesten pessary and cream wroked best for me, failing that, you could try natural yoghurt. Also, stay away from drinking too much sugary foods..
well, it could be a STI but it doesnt sound too expected. Probably thrush. You see, what people dont know is that most medication irrates thrush even more. If my mum takes anit-biotics, she get thrush. Lukcily for me I dont. What i would say hun, it find one of the creams to treat thrush, it should take away the itching and the soreness, and eventually the thrush itself.
I estimate there is one called canston duo or something, next to a pill AND a cream, go for that.
I know this sounds odd, but do you shave down here?
if so, that will irrate it alot more, and the shaving could also be causing it. While you are in agony, dont shave or anything until it has calmed down.
Best of luck and hope you feel better x x x

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