Someone asked me the wierdest query today to do near tampons and masturbating.?

One of my friends is 'seeing' this guy who seems to be a bit of a shove but today i was beside them and a group of friends and somehow we got on the convosation of period and he said
" When you wear tampons isnt that just close to masturbating continually all day".

I intuitively think explicitly such a wierd question especially as none of us know him that all right. Just wanted to tolerate you know I havnt actually get a question =]

Answers:    Someone asked me that back. Ludicrous.

And, due to the comment below, I'll qualify this by saying that guys who want to revise about women's bodies don't ask a group of girls they don't even know. He be doing it for shock value.
lol weirdo..once my bf asked if i masturbated beside a cucumber :P wow
my bf
asked me that
Why must curiosity be perverted?
The idea of intercourse, and the reality that it brings pleasure to some women, might induce the question more or less other "items", that are introduced into a/the woman's vagina. Why must this be ludicrous, or perverted?

Plus, there is a in no doubt "mystery" about women's sexual organs, even by women themselves.

Even women cannot integer themselves out sometimes). So why put a man/boy down for asking, or trying to learn more roughly speaking such things?

Or must we remain ignorant due to the contempt of women?

Of course I didn't permit tenuousness get the best of me, and I own also asked if women can feel them. It is JUST a curiosity. I enjoy learned that MOST women cannot quality them once inserted. BUT, some can, especially if they are "dry". SOOOOOO the answer is not clear cut. AND I would be willing to bet in that are SOME women who might find the feeling , "uh" agreeable... just NOT too frequent...
he = freak

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