How long can a sperm stay in a woman?


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A man can ejaculate up to 300 million sperm. About 15 % of them are fine enough to fertilize an egg. Most of those sperm will die rotten in the vagina which is an extremely hostile environment for them but those few lucky ones that product it past the cervix can survive for up to 7 days. It take about 4 days once they're previous the cervix to reach the fallopian tubes.
So surrounded by the vagina they survive for maybe 6 hours (most will die past its sell-by date before that) but historic the cervix it can be 7 days.

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the sperm considerate of vanishies in a women, it doesn't come out.

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sperm will die after about 16 hours

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not very long. the sperm will die exceptionally soon due to the temperature inside the body. thats why sperm is stored in a man's sack, because it's profusely cooler than in his acutal body.


That put somebody through the mill is hard to answer because I'm not sure exactly what you denote by it. Do you mean how long can ejaculate stay within a woman before coming out? Or how long can sperm survive in a woman's vagina?

If you show staying in before coming out:
Some ejaculate will come out right away if the womanly gets up after intercourse. The rest will at a snail`s pace come out over the next daylight or two due to the vagina "cleaning itself" in essence.

If you mean how long does sperm survive:
After ejaculation, semen is lost from the vagina over time, through the processes of drainage and biochemical revise. The tails of the sperm are lost first - the weaken beginning promptly after ejaculation. After about 6 hours, more or less 25% of the sperm will have no tail and by 12 hours, there will be few sperm near intact tails. 24 hours after ejaculation in that are usually only a few head left, however these proportions and times are slightly variable.

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Even though you can't feel or see it. It lives inside of you for up to 7days.

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