How long after I go on the pill can I start have sex?


Do you feel when you start to bleed(period)?

The pill handouts right to be heard 1 week, but most OBGYN's recommend 4 weeks/1cycle of pills if you take them same time everyday. My mom is also an OBGYN.

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My gyn/ob told me three months to allow the hormones surrounded by the b/c pill to regulate my system and become part of my body's chemical makeup.

Period related?

You own to take the undamaged cycle of pills and have a extent before you are secure to have sex. Your gyn. or whoever perscibed them should own informed you.


use a god damn condom! birth control pills will just ruin your body

Periods every other week - heart burn - severe put money on pain - reciprocal pain?

Have you hear of the 7 day rule? It states that if you own vomited or was sick or missed a pill consequently you need to use an alternative method of contraception for 7 days. Sorry for not providing a severely accurate source, however if you look at the link I provide you'll see several reference to the 7 day rule.

To take back to your inventive question, if you start the birth control pill on exactly the first sunshine of your period afterwards you're ok, the reason individual that you can't fall pregant in the first 7 days of your cycle and after 7 days on the pill you're already covered by the 7 day rule.

I have a vertical c sector and a horizontal surgical scar that meet in the middle. Painful ab workouts.HELP!

U can't own unprotected sex, but otherwise it should be OK.

Should i be worried????

You are supposed to finish a whole month worth of pills past you have unprotected sex. The insert on the pills say so and my gyno also says so.

Has any feminine actually have an orgasm before?

the pill take a month to start working when your first starting out!

Breast implants surrounded by lincolnshire?

You have to dally a week after taking the pill.

Can you donate blood while on your period?

The pill take at least a month to become impressive. Sorry, no source but I remember my doctor telling me. If you do enjoy sex before afterwards, use a condom!

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