Do you touch when you start to bleed(period)?


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I am very fortunate and blessed to not suffer from menstrual cramps during that time of the month as so tons women do throughout the world. However, I can feel sometimes when I start of bleed. I consistency clamy, wet, and moist. Boobs are sore as adjectives get out, so I know that's when it's on the passageway. And if it comes on in the morning I never be aware of like moving out of the bed. UGH. I can`t stand the monthly thing.

What are the signs of have a period?

like niagra falls

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What collectively happens to me...I can surface when my period hand is a paticular type of cramp that I feel, and if I don't grasp to the bathroom within 15-20 minutes, I unanimously will feel bleeding.

I have need of some girls to answer this one!!?

i do.
i just know. hah
i get the impression it start to come out.

not into a flow..but id own to get to a bathroom terribly soon.

What is the skinny?


A friend had a surgical abortion second month. Her cycle started a week ago & still going, is that normal?

I usually know when I'm nearly to get my spell, my breasts become sore, my thighs get adjectives crampy and I get hot even if it's cold. The crampy pains find so bad that they travel from my lower spine to my legs. Everyone is different.

Stopping Birth Control?


You don't get the impression the flow when it starts until you feel your underwear is drizzling.

I always put surrounded by a tampon when my period is almost to start. I used to always obtain caught when I was younger.

Whos a virgin!::?

yeah, i usually tend to grasp a bad headache the daytime before, and i retain a great deal of fluid, and my back will hurt..

How can I lose my belly flab and hips?

Usually you can,you receive pms symptoms and a pain on the lower right side.But everyone is different.

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