Why women still wear panty at home / while sleep while men mostly will not?
I don't know any guy that sleeps in panties
Which Vitamin is besr for my situation?
i guess because guys just really.i usually dont wear much to sleep, but i do where on earth underwear.
hah a
Ladies, I have a request for information about the IUD.?
iwear my panties to bed every nite and a shirtWho did describe you that?
Why are you generalizing?
Many women dont wear them while sleeping.. it's more comfortable that passageway.
Never wore panties while in bed, presently I wear nothing. My husband however other wears briefs to bed.
Brown discharge and fingering?
I don't sleep in panties... cuz I'm a guy. But I do usually wear underwear and a t-shirt. Like be already said - don't overgeneralize.