I Shaved my vagina for the first time 4 days ago. Now I'm VERY itchy down nearby!?

I Shaved my vagina bald for the first time four days ago. It's be uncontrollably itchy down at hand ever since! What do I do?


When having sex!!?

Put some lotion on it. Rub it contained by real accurate. When you start to itching rub don't scratch.

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shave it again. and put lotion on it.

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call the gyno. research some feminine hygiene products.

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It's just because you aren't used to it, keep on a little bit (maybe a week) to shave again. Let it grow out a bit, to get an easier shave, much smoother. It will itch if you shave right away.! right luck

How do u find?

its probably just dry and scratchy, so turn to the store and get some itch creme that should relieve the itching but if it doesn't in approaching 2 days, go see your physician

I have need of womens/girls help single!!?

No worries. This is normal. You might've gotten a few ingrown hair, or it could just be unprocessed. When you grow hair, it get itchy.

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you should own put powder.


Oh It's Horrible
There really is nothing you can do!
Try to NOT wear Panties
If possible... dance around the house with a SKIRT and no underwear.
Sometimes if you can put lotion where on earth it itches that might help
but you just enjoy to wait till it grows pay for.

Hope it was worth it!

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apparently if u use little one powder on the itchy area it stops it but later agen u mite not be able 2 bring ur hands on some, i suggest merely trimming them next time as it doestn itch next and isnt wildly bushy lol =]

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its itchy because the hair is growing spinal column, make sure your keeping it smooth beside lotion and shaving everyother to everythree days that will keep the regrowth to a mininmum and help out with the itch!

Read and give a hand?

You didn't shave your 'vagina' (that's the 'inside' part of your 'girl parts' ... you shaved your pudendum ... and it 'itches' because of the 'little hair' starting to grow back contained by. You can try shaving again, or get some 'cortisone cream' to rub onto your pudendum to stop the 'itching' ... yes, 'cortisone' is a steroid, but if you use the 'cream' you won't draw from any 'bad side effects' ... or, if you don't want the 'expense' you could a moment ago try 'powdering' yourself in PLAIN CORN STARCH ... that's what parents use on babies who get 'itchy/sore diaper over-hasty, and also 'adults' who get 'crotch itch' or impetuous, so it should help your 'itchy pudendum.'

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Don't use lotions creams etc it will merely irritate it more!! All you can do is wait it out. Next time try shaving down from the approach the hair falls and that wont come to pass has much

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How do you shave your vagina? I have hear of shaving pubic hair around the vagina, but not certainly shaving the vagina! Kewl!

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ok this is not goin to sound perved up but i did that to my u know what and that happen to me i just delt near it try to not itch that spot ok lol

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hi there, sweetie. Not to verbs, I am a woman. I am laughing because you will get perverted answers but, it's adjectives in fun.

I did this close to you did this because it is the "in" thing to do. I have the exact same reaction you did. It be absolutely horrible. The itching made me crazy.

I presume women do something called a Brazillian wax and often
to stamp out this problem. But, no one is pouring hot wax on this babe.

I used cortisone cream on the external parts.NEVER INSIDE. Are you sure you didn't carry anything you shouldn't have on places that be too sensitive and are now react?
If you are worried, see a doctor ASAP.

You are itchy because the hair is growing subsidise...it won't last long but it is SOOOOO annoying it seem like forever.

Sorry to read aloud this might last a couple of weeks. Try some powder, lotion, anything that will aid but NEVER on the internals parts, okay?

Best wishes!

What cup size are you?

mostly from ingrown hairs. this is completly regular. put some lotion or itch cream on it. and do not scratch. consent to it grow out a little bit previously you shave it again and use shaving cream and a new cut-throat. try exfoliating before you shave to win rid of dead skin cell, this will reduce the amount of ingrown hair you will get.

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One of the things to try is to soak for at least 15 minutes up to that time you shave with shaving cream and put together sure you use a non scented lotion within every day. Each time you shave it will catch better with the itching as long as you do it on a regular argument.

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It is bcz it was your first time.
You wouldn't enjoy this problem after you shave another 2-3 times.

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Happens to me too within the first few days... try not to wear panties..as much as you can.. they just rub you and irritate you. When you sleep wear boy shorts or no bottoms at adjectives.
Just don't wear the ones that are tight with the supple that grips around the sides too hard. That works ...and after a few days... you'll be A- OK...

I dont put on lotion surrounded by that area..because I reason i causes your pores to capture clogged and causes cut-throat bumps.. I dont use it and Ive never had cut-throat bumps.. so it works for me.. you should try.

One more thing.. During the morning.. I will try and wear skirts or something that is not too tight.. adjectives of the tight things cause it to itch and be irritated.

Good luck...

I hold an itch in the channel of my vaginal area. What should I do?

First timer it's majority. It is because your hair starts growing. Don't mark it too much or it'll be irritated. Do go to proffesionals.

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Dont worry, it's commonplace. Your skin will eventually get used to this respectively time you do it

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ok thats make happen you have some in-grown hair , or you just own irritation which mean you shaved too close and your skin isnt used to it .. economically quick remedy for that after you shave your kooch
put deodorant on it .. dont use the one that youve be putting on your sweaty arm pits.. buy a new one but trade name sure its not the gell kind or the roll on class (the one with the ball) obtain one of the ones that sure to stop sweat.. i recommend right guard extream.. now your probably wondering this guy is a retarded , why would you do that .. ok im gonna report you why .. the only plea your skin irritates after shaving is because of your pores .. but if you put deodorant on it , it closes your pores
so you wont get irritation .. i do this when i cut myself shaving
.. on my facade and that stops me from getting any bumps ..
well hope this help .. dont take my word for it try it yourself
.. start a trend and i promise you that nil bad will take place to you unless your alergic to deodorant then theres alot to be said in the region of you .. well try it and see if it works

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I shave all the time (my husband and I find it much more pleasureable; BTW, he shaves as well). My suggestion is that you shave down, in the direction the down grows, more than you shave up (less irritation), let the shower verbs up the skin and hair for at lowest possible 5-10 minutes before shaving, use the smallest irritating shaving cream (I use the kind for Sensitive Skin) and I find the men's and women's 4-blade razor work the best for a close and less irritating shave. Dry past its sell-by date when you're done and put some baby powder on. I still find that I go and get a little itchy if I consent to it get growing more than 3-4 days...so maintain it shaved.

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you may be allergic to the cut-throat in that nouns. When I shave under my arms, it itches sometimes


First time I tried doing that it itched too but as unusual as this sounds, it stops being itchy if you hold doing it, and lotion kinda helps too. But I purely remember it itching the first few times, but now I own no problem, but then again I hold it up very regularly.

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my wife says she freshly rubs some hand lotion adjectives over and it makes the itching dance away.

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Its inherent... U will get used to it after 3 or 4 times!

I requirement Some help out here?

Try the product Bikini Zone, it is the merely product that works for me. It is sold in drugstores (like Walmart or Walgreens) and it is sold near the other shaving accessories such as shaving cream, wax, and bleach. Good luck.

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i know what you niggardly

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