What do you think is better a tampon or a wipe?

I am 11 years old simply had my first interval and i dont no what is better a tampon or a pad for your first time.


Where and how?

a wipe is better. my mom gives me those pad called other. i'm 11 years old too but i'm upset to put a tampon

What is this?

well since you just started a wad.... then when you procure used to it, use a tampon

Down there odour?

I close to the tampons myself....

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I find that tampons are better. I've always used tampons because I don't enjoy to worry of a wad showing through my jeans or getting a leak. The singular hard constituent for some girls is learning how to put them surrounded by, but once u lear it'll get comfortable.

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I used a wad for the first few times until I got the dangle of it. Now I use both in luggage my tampon leaks.

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most girls start out next to pads, but tampons are so much better!

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It all depends on what you give attention to. I used pads when I first get my period but immediately I use tampons. I feel that the tampon is better but you requirement to be taught how to use it and it can be difficult to use at the begining.

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If you're 11, I would recommend the pad full time. It's winter anyway, so it's not like you're going to be swimming. You do know more or less that syndrome that goes along beside tampons, right? The younger you are, the more at risk you are--so stay with pad for as long as possible--be sure to change them at least possible every 4 hours.

Girl problem only girls please?

I individually would go beside pads for the first few times
next as time goes on walk to tampons after speaking with someone in the region of proper insertion.

On a personal note , tampons today are much better next they were a while ago, so sizes rise and fall and types. so much to choose from
But pads be My preference

Good luck

Blood?! after several times?

Well since youre only just after getting them use a pad later see about a tampon because abundantly of people cant use them

How can you brand yourselfpee a lot?!?!?

If you merely got your interval i think pad are better for you.
Besides its better if blood comes out rather than stays inside and produces germs.
You can use a tampon in special occasion when you are wearing a skirt. And remember that you have to coppers tampon every 4 hours.

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a pad is better for a 11 yr aged because a tampon my hurt the 1 time your try to put it in

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I would recommend pads for you because of your age and in recent times starting. But after you get used to this it is really up to you and what you touch most comfortable with. Experiment beside both and then YOU choose what you similar to best. If you go beside pads I recommend Always Ultra Thins Overnights beside wings. That is what I use and I approaching them. You don't know they are there partially the time. Good luck and don't be afraid to go to you're mother. You know she loves you and only just remember she has gone through adjectives this before.

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