Ladies, I hold a question just about the IUD.?

I am thinking about using the IUD. I really cannot afford to gain preg in the subsequent 3yrs. Please tell me what you know something like this method. How likely does the horrible side effects crop up. I do not want to be sterial but I cannot afford to have another child, It will ruin my career, and hurt my household more than it will help us. Help please..


Hi i am anemic but estimate it could be dibeties.?

First of all this is the wrong place to ask your are going to receive biased opinions. Please do your research, speak near your doctor, and decide what you want near your body.
I have not have any side effects from my MIrena IUD. The benefits for me have be wonderful, and I will do it again. I have no worries (like you I did own concerns and reservations before getting it, but no longer).
My sister have a copper IUD that she has have for over 6 years now. She have never had a single problem or unpromising experience with it. She be in a situation that sounds similar to yours, and she also believes it have been a wonderful experience for her.
The truth is it does not issue what question you ask the common population you will always here the most cynical stories there are...They are what sticks out surrounded by people's mind.
Make sure when you do your research you find UNbiased opinions and matter that tell adjectives sides of the story.
Good Luck to you, only you know what is best for you.

Periods? totm?

If you are wanting to use an IUD afterwards I have certain 3 different women who have used an IUD and concluded up pregnant. I really don't believe that it is effective birth control. You should speech to your doctor and find out what kind of birth control you should use.

Has anyone tried Mirena for birth control?

I am currently trying to hold it removed. It's horrible. Please, talk to your doctor roughly speaking every side effect, because you will deal beside it for some time before they subside. Make sure the side effects will outweigh the benefit of have it. If you would like to, email me, and I'll endow with you some more in dept info. There is also a blog follow this correlation.

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