Is this love.?

whenever i think something like him i get jitters within my tummy, whenever i talk to him i pratically thaw, whenever i see him my heart beats faster, whenever i hold his appendage i know that is who i want to be beside, whenever we hug i feel resembling i am in the safest place within the world!

the only problem is that i live partially way across the country presently and i when i see him it is only for a week at a military camp...we keep surrounded by touch in the inbetween months but he doesnt want to stay together during the outside months.this is no prank i really feel this instrument!


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Sweetie...everyone experiences the inner health you are having for this creature. Love is a BIG word even though it's 4 letters. REAL love that will final is something that is dying out. REAL love is when you KNOW that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your time with. It take these stages to go through (even though they bring in you miserable) to really know when you DO meet the REAL love of your duration. Someone who will be with you every light of day of your life until departure. Someone that makes chills run up your spine when you are 60, not 16. Someone who sits across from you at the table when you're 70 and you're not disillusioned when he doesn't chew his food right. Give it time and a LOT of time. Look at the old folks surrounded by your town that have be together for 30, 40, 50 years. Look closely. You can tell the ones that are really jubilant. Now THAT is "love" and it's very scarce.

Girl questions?

yes it's love!

How come a girls private segment is so high maintance?


Girls please oblige?

It's puppy love! We've all be through it. NO it isn't real love, it more of an infatuation. Real love take time and really getting to know & understand someone and yourself. You'll infer when you get elder! Sorry!

Would you be mad if?

Yes, I agree next to Anne. Its lust. It takes time to know if you are surrounded by love, true love I mean. Its sometimes deeply confusing, the difference between the two. Real love is learned over time. When you capture older and youve gone through various painful breakups you will know how to explain to the difference.

Period or infection?

ask urself wether u love him really or not....if u thin it is thn it is n but for thnn..

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Sounds similar to Puppy Love to me.

Weird Period?

it's infatuation. you are in love with the channel he makes you surface when the two of you are together but that's about it.

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