What can this be?
My boobs stopped tender after a month (right after my 3-day period) - I HAD BROWN BLOOD on the 3rds day.is that normal?
When I have it my cramps were different I surface like my stomach is bigger.
My right leg hurts or cramps a little
I gain weight or my tummy is bigger and sturdy when touched.
I had 2 other period before the finishing one but they were table lamp too.
I didn't have sex, I only just dry humped fully clothed. 1 time I was solely in pjs but he have pants and boxers on.
blood testing came hCg smaller amount than 2 after 13-15 days after possible conception. all the hpt preg test came out cynical.it's been 7 - 9 weeks. What could this be?
I consistency fluttering in my stomach. It thumps hard! I don't know what it could be. Sometimes it's within the pelvic area, right surrounded by the middle of abdomen, or right and departed sides of the stomach or near my rib cage. Sometimes I need to consent to out gas, sometimes, I don't. Please help?
You're basically having really unpromising PMS, but it's normal.
how curious...go to the doctor and explain to them ALL of this. it may be really important!
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