Period on panties?

It seems like my length always ends up on my panties and then when i wear a wipe, nothing comes out!!
Why is this??
Also: How can you get blood rotten of panties? My washing machine doesn't do it.
Thanks =)

My menstrual cycle is getting shorter respectively month, what is wrong?

use shout! it seem to work for me. and when you notice it on your panties try to get it sour asap.

good luck

Mirena threads?

an old cult way to get stains out is - one rime cube, salt, and club soda (sprite, 7-up, sierra mist.). sprinkle salt on the stain, pour some soda on it, and scrub next to the ice cube. works like a charm as long as it's a fresh stain (never be in the washer or dryer). once you scrub it with the soda, rime, and salt, just wipe up like normal.
in recent times make sure you are wearing the right size pad, alteration them when you are supposed to, and keep them on all the time during your term, and you shouldn't get your period adjectives over your panties. hope this helps!

"the pill"??!?

Peroxide as soon as you notice it. Then spray oxy verbs stain remover on it and wash in cold sea. Save your old stained panties and wear them when you think you simply might get it so if you do a good set of two of panties is not messed up.

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I always use stain remover and it works. Don't let the blood a moment ago stay on there and dry until the next time you do laundry it is best to try to bring back it out when it is still wet. If you wear tampons chances of getting it on your clothes lessen.

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Ugh, same article always happens to me. such a stomach-ache in the but. Heres what I do:

Put some detergent on the underwear directly, scrub it in and next to cold water scrub it out until its gone. Always worked for me :) If its white underwear, use bleach. Good Luck!

How wrong is this?

Try to get the stain as hurried as possible. Run under really cold water and rub to get hold of most of it out, spray some stain remover, and wash in wash machine with cold dampen. It should come out.

Dont you..?

to get blood off your panties put them contained by the sink with cold cold water and rub the panties things together or scratch it off next to your hands and it should come clean

Getting sour the birth control pill...?


Question roughly lube?

As soon as possible rinse them by hand in cold cold hose down and use alot of soap. I have found this to help alot.

What age did you find your first time?

poroxide works close to a charm.
trust me, i have the same problem :)

Is it true that theres is very soon a manly birthcontrol pill .. i swear i hear this on the radio the other light of day ...?

try cold marine and hydrogen peroxide

Bra size oblige please?

put it under hot water

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