A very personal female question...?

I warned you..lol.
Well.. I am 22. I hold had my interval since I was 13. It have never, ever been regular and I usually simply get it 4-5 times a year. I own never been concerned something like the irregularity but now I am on my extent and have be on it for the last 13 days. Its pretty reading light, I am not cramping or anything but just thought I would ask what you adjectives think? Should I be concerned at adjectives? I am thinking if it does not stop by Friday I will go to the doctor.

Body Flavors?

Having irregular period actually have a medical name - it is oligomenorrhea. Most predictable it is nothing through. I was incredibly much like you when I be younger - very irregular, and also the occasional time as you describe now -which is a material nuisance.

Everybody is different, but usually everyone have their own pattern. But this doesn't follow your usual shape, so that is a apology to get it checked. I wouldn't forget about it - you should talk to your doctor just about it.

These sites will give you more information more or less irregular periods.

PMS! Can you assist?

u better go and see a doctor. irregular period... is not normal

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Its probably not anything serious but you should bring it up near your doctor. I suggest you make an appt. for Friday.

Im 14, ive have 2 periods and i havent have nomore?

one of your ovaries isn't pumping out eggs. no biggie. but i would see a doctor anyways. usually any kind of birth control will any regulate them or stop it totally. i wouldn't worry though..

i'm 24. i be NEVER regular. it was similar to every other month. each ovary let loose an egg each month, so if one's not doing it, you'll skip. i also have sists which were tight, but had deeply to do with the irregularity. i've be on depo for the past 3 years and don't hold periods anymore and am greatly happier about it. NOT everyone is regular and it is NOT anomalous.

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i reflect you should run to the doctor now. this could be serious and i deem youre taking it lightly. you should other be concerned when it comes to your health.

how do i control my pms?

Yeah,Go to the doctor. Y.

Is this mundane or an infection??

You should not be concerned too much.irregular periods are middle-of-the-road with adjectives women. You should though go to the doctors and ask them your question..better to know early plenty.

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Better sheltered then sorry it could be zilch but then again who know
Only the doc when he runs test achieve ur little butt to the doctor and be wise going on for ur health!

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I instinctively believe that "regular as rain" 28 periods for EVERY woman is a myth. I own ALWAYS had completely irregular periods (I usually individual get them every 2 months) and I've be checked out by doctors and gotten a clean bill of robustness. Still, if you're worried, go procure checked out

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You need to see an endocrinologist. Every woman customarily have their time of year every 4-6 weeks. Irregular periods or those enduring for more than 5 days are caused by hormonal inequity.

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I consider going to the doctor is a good model. I have matching problem and when I went to the doctor he told me I own PCOS ( Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). That means that my ovaries hold many tiny cyst that prevent me from ovulating and because of that I can't bring pregnant so now I own to be taking medications to try to seize pregnant. So please go to the doctor as soon as possible it is highly important.

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omg ppl r dumb..irregular periods are common..good plan..if it doesnt stop by friday juss pass ur doctor a shout..i wouldnt be too worried

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Seeing the doctor is a accurate thing. It could be a cyst.

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There is acutally a term for this problem, although due to short term memory loss from have babies, i can't remember what the name of it is. A doctor could help out you, i really think you could benefit from knowing what could assistance you because when you get married and want to enjoy children, you might have trouble becuase of irregular period. Good luck!

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There is a wide flux in bleeding frequency & duration for women.
I be one of those myths, every 27-29 days.
A lot of females athletes lose their menses completely, due to lack of body oil.
I would go see your doc. It's difficult to diagnose your symptoms in need proper testing & you might be becoming anemic from blood loss.

For girls and doctors individual !?

It might be a good view to see a doctor, but I had similar problems for the first few years of my interval (ages 13 to 17), and my doctors never helped. They only just said that eventually my periods would become regular, I don`t know. When I started practicing yoga regularly, my periods become regular for the first time. Sometimes, before erudition yoga, my periods would closing 2 weeks, and they were amazingly irregular. A great book that tells you specifically what yoga postures are best for menstrual problems is "Yoga, A Gem For Women" by Geeta Iyengar. Yoga is the individual exercise I know of that can improve the functioning of your organs and okay as give you a flawless work-out. It might be helpful for you.

Waxing - no specific place tho -?

this happen to me once and when i went to the doctor they told me i have a miscarriage i didn't even know i was pregnant. they said that this be common

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