1st Period Stories?

What Happened?
Where were You?
Were you upset?
Were you Prepared?


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I got mine christmas morning, 1999. gratefulness santa. I woke up thinking I had peed on myself. I wasn't panicky, but I wasn't prepared either. Luckily I have an older sister who already have pads and stuff.

I hold not had my time of year in 2 mths, I took 3 pregnancy test all distrustful, What else could be wrong?

The novel CARRIE by Stephen King have a great first period story.

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Starting your interval is a very unusual experience. I went to the bathroom, wipe & seen a spot of blood. I be terrifed because I didn't know who to tell! So I get a minipad out of the counter & wore that until I told my mom later on that hours of darkness. She understood without fault & gave me everything I needed.

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Well It happend On my 11th birthday! for some strange reason i thought something be wrong with me but i didnt know better. I be In my house and Yes i was startled! and i remember screaming for my mom saying i deliberate im dying im bleeding! and i wasnt even prepared!! lol My mom told me i was growing up so i listended lol

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okay, i be almost 9 and at a wedding surrounded by a white dress! i found my mom and told her what happened and deplorably she did not have a pad/tampon so she asked adjectives of my aunts and then told my dad! afterwards she had to explain my situation to a stranger so she could get hold of directions to a gas station(we were within a diff state) -so embarrassing+cramps it sucked..

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I be 10, I didn't know a thing more or less periods (my Mum assumed we'd hold been told around it at school). I was fearful.

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I be 11 and I was def. prepared but not exceptionally excited. I got it on a Saturday morning. I run to my mom bawling because I had skating practice that year and didn't want to miss it and didn't want to wear an ugly bulky wipe while skating. She was terrifically understanding and we get some Tampax right away so I could still enjoy my skating lesson ( =

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I be a little upset.. I wasnt perpared for it at adjectives.. I mean we have been through the video and crap at college, but i learned the most from my mom.. if you are worried, she is the best individual to talk to.. if you arent comfortable near your mom, go to a friends mom.. A woman elder than you that you trust..

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4th category and picture day to boot. I be wearing a red suit(70's). I went to the bathroom and saw blood. My mother never explained it to me so I run out of the school adjectives the way home believing something be wrong with me. I get home called my mother and she next told me what was occurring to me. I was 9 yrs antediluvian

Is this my first period?

well i be almost ganna be 10 and i was up at 2 surrounded by the morning watching cartoons within my room and then i feel something funny down there so i looked at my underwear and i saw blood and i wasn't startled at all. i lately went to my mom and i said i mull over i have a cut or something because my underwear have blood and she told me all roughly speaking that boring stuff anout puberty and gtting your first period and afterwards she gave me pad and told me how to put them on and when to change them and in a minute i'm 12 and i still wear pads because evrey time i see tampons i screech because they look so scary to put on so when theres commercials on t.v. roughly speaking tampons i turn the t.v. off and loaf for it to finish.

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I be 11 and at school. I go to the bathroom and noticed it. I put some toilet broadsheet in my underwear until I get home. Anyways, I got home and didn't know how to inform my mom and started crying. She laughed and said it be normal and next took me to walmart for pads and bought me a ty beanie toddler. :o)

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I have just finished horse wager on riding with my friend and I be confused about why my gut muscles where on earth aching. I be an avid horse rider and had never feel that ache earlier. I went to the restroom and wipe and found it. I stuffed toilet paper surrounded by my underwear and got my mom. She help show me what to do.

My friend that I was horse riding next to got her first one 3 months subsequent. Her mom was on time off and only her dad be in the house. She call me frantic (she knew what it be because of me 3 months earlier), but her mom did not have any pad or tampons in the house. My mom and I drove over in attendance and took her some pads, and my mom showed her how to use them. LOL! I don't have an idea that her Dad ever realized what we be there for. I be "helping her with her homework".

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I think my first be kind of ironic. I be 12 years old and I be actually playing next to some dolls when I started. Talk about "not a girl, not nonetheless a woman." LOL
I wasn't scared, though. My mom be really cool about explaining everything beforehand it happened, so I be prepared.

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It was my 8th category year, I was within school I go to the restroom and it was in that. I wasn't scare but I be worried because I had no pad. So I told my friend and she told me to go to the nurse. She give me a huge pad that I feel everyone could see it, it was glutinous.

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it was two months formerly i turned 14, in english class. i have really bad cramps and my best friend be joking when she said "perchance you finally got your time!"...since it was almost time to travel home i waited til i get home and saw that i had in reality gotten it. i wasn't scared, i be relived that something wasn't wrong with my body (since i get it so late).

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LOL...I have 11 1/2 and me and my familial went out of town after church and we stopped by dairy queen to munch through lunch and i went to the bathroom and found out. I freaked. I be so scared i didn't notify anybody until that night after Sunday hours of darkness service. Thank God i was wearing a black shirt so you couldn't notify i had blood adjectives over it. And no I has not prepared. At that point I didn't know what a time was.

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I be a late one, at age 15. The week in the past i actually get my period, i have gotten really bad stomach pains. She asked me where on earth the pains were, and i told her. She told me i might hold cramps, and i told her i didnt see any blood when i went to the bathroom. Exactly a week after that, i woke up and went to pee and in attendance was the blood my mother be talkin about. i stayed home that adjectives day within pain. Till this sunshine i cramps, bad cramps.

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