I own not had my interval in 2 mths, I took 3 pregnancy test all cynical, What else could be wrong?


If a woman starting menstruating at 11, at what age can she expect to stop doing so?

Don't freak out. Are you exercising a lot or not intake right? That can cause you to miss your term. Are you on the pill or just coming stale? Are you getting older? 40 or elder? Lots of reasons. Go to the doctor if you don't get hold of it soon but don't let consequently put you on a bunch of hormones right off the gain.

Why do I have a brown discharge between menstrual cycles?

Being stressed/depressed can hindrance your period. Happened to me once.

Anyone use effexor?

See a doctor right away. Probably a hormonal inequity of some nature. Best to find it figured out. Good luck.

Monistat 3 - Pain, affliction and more pain?

Most predictable stress but worth checking it out with your doc.

Dark pastey menstrual cycle?

you could call for a Dr to clean your uterus
check beside a dr cause it looks similar to you are pregnant not all pregnacy test are accurate

Doesnt colon cancer affect only elder people?

stress and anyone really under substance

The joys of womanhood!?

There are several things that could delay or stop your interval, such as stress, pregnancy, sometimes a yeast infection, UTI, etc. If you have a yeast infection or UTI, this could basis a false negative on pregnancy test. It is best that you get checked by a physician since it have been 2 months since you enjoy had your ending period.

JASMIN PILL, will i put on substance?

go 2 a doc

Birth control and menstral cycle?

If you have changed your diet and exercise conduct or lost alot of weight you can miss your extent they say some athletes don't enjoy a period at adjectives.

Tears After Lovemaking?

How old are you? Could you be showing hasty signs of menapause? Are you stressed by a new energy descion? Taking any prescriptions with possible side affects? Have you gain alot of weight only just (more than average)?
If the answers to all of these question are no, then you might want a more acurate experiment taken by a doctor.

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