Is in that a chance i could seize cancer?

my nan died of stomach cancer 5 years ago and 3 years ago my other nan had breast cancer and have to have a masectami . Is nearby a chance that my mum or me could carry cancer? or is it just a myth that cancer runs surrounded by families?

Breast Tisssue?

There's a karma ANYONE can get cancer. Our diets, our ingestion habits. When we help yourself to in consideration these factor then we stipulation to "combat" them by eating athletic and eating properly. State of Mind & Attitude also play a member.

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Cancer does run contained by families, but can tend to skip a age group. Try not to worry.

I haven't started my term in a month, and i am on birth control pills. What do you reason is my problem?

i think everyone is a possible target of cancer

Over weight, A smoker, High Blood Preasure Bad combo for starting birth control?

if it runs in the ethnic group ,it is well worth mortal checked out for it

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Cancer runs contained by families. Just cause sure you get regular checkups and blood work done, and do your best to front a healthy and stress free natural life.


No, it is not a myth. Cancer has be found to run in family, there is a genetic predisposition within most everything, not just Cancer.

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Women singular please!!?

It's not a myth.
You have genes that predispose you to unmistaken cancers...Genetics verse environmental factors are what basis cancer.making it especially important for you to live a fighting fit lifestyle and have regular mamograms

I am for a moment worried about getting my physical. can some one riddle me in on it?

It does run surrounded by families..

But here surrounded by the US. we now enjoy a genetic test that can exam for the gene that causes breast cancer...

Also I done a daily once on breast cancer and It mentioned something about breast feading your children since you are 30 reduces your risk..

I hope you never seize it. I know your worry.. My mother, Grandmother, and Both Aunt's hold all have cancer...

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Sadly, no, cancer runs within the family. It is contained by the genes. I know what you feel. My household has heritable high blood pressure and my grandpa have colon cancer. My mom has to run to the doctor every so often to check.

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Cancer does run contained by families and it is other possible. Don't worry around it. Just make respectable decisions and control what you can.

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cuts both ways really. My mum died of bowel cancer and i be told i have a high risk. My cousin died of cancer....but you can't go living in foreboding. Thats the way i look at it. be circumspect by all medium. Don't fret though. My mum died at 49 years....and that was 17 years ago.....i enjoy had a couple of scare, but you can get checked out if you really are worried. Am sure you will be fine.

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Certain cancer do run in the kith and kin, ie, breast and ovarian. However there are also 3 category of people and cancer.

1. this type of entity can live a very unwell life, smoke and drink but never catch cancer.
2. This type of person can front a very nourishing life and still bring back cancer
3. This type of person may bring cancer but can change their lifestyle to minimise the risk.

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definatly, everone has a coincidence of getting it really

Whats going on? Should I see a doctor?

no myth... let your doctor know your history... and draw from yourself checked...

Good Luck..!

Pregnancy & work dilema?

No I don't think so

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it does run contained by families but solitary if it is a specific strand of cancer. there are different types of breast cancer one hereditory and one to be exact not. if you are worried then ask your GP

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well it does run it family as it runs in mine but i really wouldn't verbs about it as in attendance can be lots of explanations why your nans got cancer. don't verbs!

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I know for a Fact that Breast Cancer can run surrounded by families. So if your grandmother have it, I would suggest Both you and your mother be tested. My mother has deal with Breast Cancer and I enjoy been tested, because it is nil to play with. The interview is easy and the asnwers can relieve your worries. It's NOT a Myth for Breast Cancer. The stomach cancer, I haven't hear that becoming Hereditary, so I wouldn't worry to much nearly that one. However should you notice a difference within your stowles, or have increasing stomach aching, then see you Dr, he can do a Cat scan and rule it out completely...Stay Strong and Healthy...Hugs.

Health foodsanorexiabulemia..serve.?

Give yourself regular examinations as a sensible precaution but don't let it steal over your life.

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