
has any woman ever had it done? did it hurt? please donate details.. and what was your results from it? gratitude! :)

My vagina smells like a pack of Fritos sitting in the sun all daytime. What do I do? What is it?

I have have 4 colposcopies done. They do this procedure to better visualize the area and extent of exceptional cell growth. It starts out very similar to a Pap, near the speculum and all, but consequently they put a dilute acetic acid (vinegar) solution on your cervix, which turns the impressive cells white. The doctor will use a colposcope to magnify the nouns (it also allows them to view your cervix lower than different colored lights for further evaluation) and, if necessary, will lug a biopsy. That is the more uncomfortable cut of the procedure. The doctor can take two different types of biopsies (or they can do both). The first one is using this clamp type of device which have sharp teeth and "pinches" the tissues off. It is usually newly a quick strain that doesn't last enormously long. Try and relax...that will minimize the pain. They trademark take several of these depending on how broad spread the area is. The worst one, not to be nageative or anything, is when they collect the endocervical canal. They stick a brush contained by the canal (they telephone is an endocervical curette) and scrape for cell. This always cause me to cramp up really badly. It take a little while for the cramping to dissipate.
When adjectives of the biopsies are done, they will put a cotton swab with silver nitrate onto your cervix to help out stop the bleeding. They should ask if you are allergic to shellfish prior to doing this because silver nitrate is the element contained by shellfish that causes an allergic counterattack. The silver nitrate will cause you to hold thick, brown (they vote like coffee grounds) discharge for a few days.
Aside from the discharge, you may touch a little crampy for a few days. Not too desperate. But you can't have sex or use a tampon for a couple of weeks.
All contained by all, it isn't too long or rough of a procedure. The biopsies are the worst but they go by pretty in a flash. When I had my colpo's, the doctor sent the biospies past its sell-by date to determine the level of out of the ordinary cell growth - basically low or giant risk. If it is low, they may just want to repeat the Pap and colpo surrounded by 6 months. If it is high risk, you may hold to undergo what is call a LEEP procedure (loop electrosurgical excision procedure). LEEP uses a thin rope loop electrode which is attached to an electrosurgical generator. The generator transmits a painless electrical current that quickly cuts away the artificial cervical tissue in the instantaneous area of the loop telecommunication. This causes the uncharacteristic cells to fast heat and burst, and separates the tissue as the loop chain moves through the cervix. (

I own had two LEEP procedures. The first one be done in the doctor's bureau with a short time ago a local anesthetic (yes, they inject your cervix with novacaine!). The second be done as an outpatient surgery and they knocked me out. I assume it all depends on your doctor's preferences. If you own a choice, and your insurance will pay for it, please do the surgery. The in-office procedure be a nightmare! The LEEP starts out a lot resembling the colpo, but the speculum has a vacuum tube on it to suck away the smoke that is to say generated when they are adjectives away the tissue. This is the dangerous fragment because, if you jump, the doctor could cut approachable your vaginal wall. :( After the speculum is inserted, they do the same colpo procedure next to the vinegar. This lets them see where on earth to cut. The LEEP takes a moment or two longer to recover from and is more uncomfortable. The tissue that is removed will be sent to the lab where on earth they will analyze the edges of the cuts to make sure within was verbs tissue on the edges - this insures they got adjectives of the abnormal cell.
My doc then have me come in for Pap's every 6 months as a follow up.
I know this wasn't slice of your question but I only just wanted to take home sure your doctor talked to you almost the cause of phenomenal cell growth. My first doctor that did my first LEEP didn't and so when my second doctor did, it really shook me up. The abnormal cell growth is cause by HPV (the human papillomavirus) which is a sexually transmitted infection. Don't feel doomed to failure about it though (I really struggled beside this part until I did closely of research) because 75-90% of all women will contract this virus at some point in their lifetime. There are lots strains of the virus with one and only a few that cause exceptional cell growth or cervical cancer. Most people will never even know they enjoy it! A lot of the time it will clear on its own, other times it can develop into cervical cancer. That is why it is critical to have your per annum that you can catch it while it is still "impressive cell growth" (or precancerous cells)and prevent it from becoming full blown cervical cancer. Sorry if I got preachy on you but I am amazed by how few ancestors know about this and that not adjectives doctors explain it. Do some research - pass the know-how on. We need to sustain protect each other! God Bless!

I enjoy a red rash surrounded by my vaginal area, what is this?

The procedure is in reality quite hasty (about the same length of time as a PAP) and is solely slightly more uncomfortable.

You will most potential experience some moderate cramping when they biopsy the surface of the cervix and some heavy cramping if they're biopsying the cervical passageway. The cramping should end a bit quickly after the biopsy is done.

You will probably spot for a daytime or two and might have some irregular time bleeding (if you're not using the pill), and maybe some cramping, but nought worse than a period cramp. You should be capable of take some ibuprofen when they're done...don't bring it prior because it may cause a little more bleeding during the biopsy procedure.

It is really not that desperate. Good Luck! Everything was fine beside mine!

OK, please help me?

very simple...if in attendance is any discomfort its like minor cramping. they put what is best to be described as a microscope up really close to your vagina so they can see your cervix magnified...swab a vinegar solution to label anything abnormal stand out...steal a tiny pinch biopsy of they out of the ordinary after wipe it with a silver nitrate substance and you are done. I have it a few months ago but didn't have to enjoy the biopsy part. Its over contained by like 10 minutes. I be told just enjoy another pap smear in six months and see if it go away.

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