Can you capture pregnant without have sex?

You know how a woman has a infallible amount of both male and feminine hormones ? Can you get pregnant individually by those 2 hormones resembling without have sex at all?

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Women and men own certain level of estrogen and testosterone in their bodies, but not contrary gendered sex cells. These sex cell, egg and the sperm cell, are needed to make a child. You can have a kid from artificial insemination which doesn't require sex, but I doubt that you could have a child from one human being alone.

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no no no no

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You need serious rearing. Sperm, egg = pregnancy. If you do not understand what they are collaborate to an adult. There is NO other mode.

Could a girl not get her time of year even do if theyre not pregnant?

not unless you are a worm.

Been on accutane for almost 2 weeks!?


Heavy early term?

the bible says you can .
it evolve to mary or did it.

Women who have be raped?

Yes you can, i saw it happen contained by the movie quincenera.

I'm 14 and i've been 4'11" for 2 years, did i stop growing?

Absolutly. My grandpas' sperm swam across the Atlantic get my grandma pregnant during WWII.

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don't enjoy sex until your married & you will not have to verbs about adjectives that nonsense.

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Normally no. But if you want to take a check tube baby, you can be lacking having sex. But surrounded by that case also you entail hormon from a male.

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In supposition, it's almost possible. What would need to appear is for something to trigger cell reproduction during ovulation. Something like an electric shock. However, the highest problem is that all would turn out is reproduction of the egg cell which only contains partly the chromosomes necessary.

I read a book once, though, where on earth that happened and what go down was the mother have a baby who be essentially her clone as it was made up of exactly alike genetic material. It be called Childsong by Barbara Wood.

No issue what I do ?

no, the only mode to get pregant in need having sex is if you have a guy c u m near your vagina short intercourse. Sperm are pretty strong swimmer so if you get any semen close at hand your vagina opening consequently you could get pregant but the occasion are very slim but could occur.

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Okay hormones don't make you pregnant. You can with the sole purpose get pregnant if a sperm from a masculine penetrates one of your eggs. Since women (regardless of how many manly hormones their body contains) do not have sperm inwardly their bodies, they cannot get pregnant unless they are allowed to enter via intercourse. So cannot return with pregnant unless you have intercourse, use a sperm doner to put sperm into your body, or shift through artificial insemination.

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No it has nought to do with the hormones. The hormones only just discriminate whether a person is a man or a woman. It take two sex cells that are haploid (the ovum cell and the sperm cell contain partially of the needed chromosomes that a cell needs to function) that combine to manufacture a zygote. This is the cell that divides into a baby. Women are not asexual, they cannot reproduce next to out the male sex cell present.

P.S. To the other citizens you realize that this is probably a kid. So you may wanna exclude certain details.

Anyone have the new essure birth control? what do you suppose of it?

You can get pregnant short having sex if you choose artificial insemination or another alternate method. As for common everyday thinking, without those alternate methods, no it is impractical to get pregnant lacking having sex.

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women doesn't have both masculine n female hormones.
when manly chromosomes (XY) are introduced into female(XX) , they got pregnancy.So here is chance to bring pregnancy with out have sex, by introducing male chromosomes into feminine by some other techniques.

Ok ladies please helpperiod issues?

You can not seize pregnant w/o a sperm cell fertilizing one of your eggs.
In order for that to start intercourse is the preferred method because it allows the maximum amount of sperm to travel the minimum amount of distance to reach the egg thereby maximize the possibility of fertilization.
Women have gotten pregnant by "bumping uglies"next to men and both people have their clothes on.
What started out as a dry bumping session became increasingly more drizzly and sperm on the clothing found and fertilized an egg
The end result be a virgin birth
So be really careful

Help me i own a physical today.?

Oh my word!! Are you for real?! Where do you live? beneath a rock? he he he - yeah you can get pregnat by a process call wind polination!!

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