My term is seriously delayed!!?

Really, it usually starts around the beginning of the month and its almost the back!
And its really sore * down there * and I've be feeling really really really doomed to failure lately.
I cant sleep good. (waking up from cramp and/or nightmares)
I feel dizzy adjectives the time.
My back hurts really fruitless.
It takes forever for me to sleep.
I cant concentrate.

Answers:    See a gynecologist. There might be something not moderately right. Or maybe you're in recent times under profoundly of stress. The fact that there's headache down there and your interval is much later than usual (and you haven't have sex), it's really a good notion to visit the doctor.
Could you be preg? Have you have sex? All of these symptoms may be becuse you are pregnant.
If you haven't had sex later you should really go and see your local GP as near may me something minor wrong. Im sure the sleeping, concentration and dizziness (if you haven't has sex that can head to preganacy) are all due to the certainty that you are WORRYING. Honestly, just consider rationally and resolve what you need to do.

Hope this have helped
You're freaking out and stress can explanation a late term. Well this is puzzling :S Maybe you started worrying because it hadnt come then you enjoy some of the symptoms but because ur stressed and worrying you have hormonal lack of correspondence which stops it for a while.. That happened to me once but simply for about partially a week...Please go and see a GP to find out whats wrong :) Good luck xx

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