I am 19 yrs outdated. and i have the most irregular spell cycles. they can be between 31-48 days long.?

i get confused beside when wthey are supopsed to come. my period is supposed to come withtin the subsequent few days i guess...
i havent had unprotected sex...other use condoms. and even though my partner wears condoms he withdraw ANYWAY ( with the condom on)

my breasts grain tender and i have be getting cramps...im stressed again ... when WILL my period come?!?!!?

this is VERY frustrating...nearby is NO chance i would be pregnant ANYWAYS...right? condom never ripped or anything of that sort...be ALWAYS safe...

am i person WAY too paranoid? (i am a type of person who worried A LOT )

thank you

The mini pill?

enjoy you always have irregular cycles and at what age did they start.In the first few couple of years they can be irregular.

I would suggest you go and see a gyn/ob and ask his guidance.
You might have a hormonal problem that wants sorting out.
I would also make a memo of when - how - heavy and how long your period last consequently it will give you a clearer opinion how irregular you are.

As you seem to be have possible symptoms of pregnancy (even though you are using condoms) there is still a break that you could get pregnant so I would also get hold of a test done.

moral luck

What does it mean if I started BCP's 3 weeks ago, and enjoy gotten my period within the middle of last week?

birth control pills will regulate your cycle.

How cann i make clear to my mom that i got my time of year?

if ur period is irreuglar iw oudlnt verbs but dont do a pregnacy test for two wqeeks after misses length it wont show up! ne ways! im 19 as well and enjoy a 7 day term every 10 days wanna swap?

Does masturbation effect when you're gonna get your length?

I doubt you're pregnant but go see a doctor something like your periods. They can prescribe stuff to sustain make you more regular.

Is it strange to say i dont know who i am or conceivably i juss hate myself?

if u use birth control pills it will regulate your cycles and maintain you safer. go to a doctor and describe him about the cycle and see if within is something abnormal going on

Am I average,underwieght ,or overweight?

get knock up and you'll stop having them :-D

Birth control..?

My girlfriend have that irregular cycle also, if it hurts see a doctor, but I would say is typical, my gf had be like that for 2 months once

Ive be peeing soo much lately in the middle of the hours of darkness.?

See your gynie. Have your hormone levels checked, check for cysts or blockages, hold your ferritin levels checked after such a filling mense, too. Also get an STD eyeshade.

Size 0 disgusting?

make a calender is your cycle heavy surrounding substance or light since you r have sex at a young age you obligation to make sure you are not pregant you check are you ingestion enough fruit excrsieing check to see your flow if you turn to kotex. com read some stuff under women I don`t know that would help i hope you take to feeling better

Small discharge?

Has your spell ever been mundane?
You may just enjoy an irregular cycle, some people are resembling that. Have you seen the doctor? Go save, or the family planning clinic, they're not a moment ago for getting Johnnys and pills. It could be the stress of Uni, it could be a number of things.
You entail to chat with a professional (nurse of doc).

Umm 3 months no interval whats a happening?

jees thats long, bet you own a boyfriend. NOT.

Will my mom lose weight?

you have need of to start eating properly. i indicate get your fruit and veg within there. as silly as it nouns it DOES affect your cycle. im not saying confer up the pot noodles, im just wise saying try snacking on apples or grapes. then for at most minuscule a meal a year have some veg, approaching a bowl of spag bol with the veggy dolmio sauce on top!

it doesnt enjoy to be peas and carrots on a plate! brand it nice!

even a good fine veggy pizza will help!

crap food will kind you feel fruitless, the periods hurt approaching theres no tomorrow and make them ending longer. i had some entity similair.

firstly write a diary, write down when you came on, when you finished, how solid it was, how stinging it was.

thieve this to your doctor, just show them the diary... you dont really enjoy to say aot, especially if you write it down... dont verbs, they see worse! then they may prescribe the pill, this is not of late a contraceptive, its a regulator too. it helps to seize your periods sorted out as it be, they regulate when they start and when they stop, they will get them down to give or take a few a week long. plus they may also give you a seperate pill which reduce the blood flow.

please go to see your doctor, to lose that much blood is insecure and not normal. but hey, it can be sorted.

hope adjectives is well for you.

honourable luck

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